Absolute Altitude
The current absolute altitude to the nearest 100 feet from the TCAS
processor is displayed during Test mode. Some TCAS equipment also has
the capability to show absolute altitudes in-flight by pressing a button on
the TCAS control panel. The altitude will be tagged MSL if the data is in
barometric altitude; otherwise (or above 18000 feet) pressure altitude is
shown and tagged FL.
Range Ring/Range Indicator
The Range Ring is a full circle in TFC mode. The available ranges are
TCAS processor dependent, and are typically 3, 5, 10, 20 and 40nm.
Note: The o’clock position tic marks from the inner range ring are
repeated on the outer range ring for reference.
Inner 2nm Range Ring
The 2nm range is shown as a dotted range ring and is always displayed
regardless of the range setting of the Outer Range Ring. The 12, 3, 6, and
9 o’clock positions are bolded.
Traffic Overlay with Terrain
Traffic will be overlaid on terrain when in REL, PRED, and TOPO display
modes. The same symbology is used as when the TFC display mode is
Traffic is always shown relative to the nose of the aircraft – where
you would see it if you looked out the window.
Traffic Override
To suppress the traffic overlay on top of Terrain, the Traffic Override
function can be toggled on/off by pressing and holding the [TFC] button
for a one second. This function is also available through the Pilot’s Menu.
Traffic Override will be annunciated next to the [TFC] button as shown
below. All traffic will be removed from the Terrain displays.
Note: Traffic Override suppresses display but does not suppress
traffic alerts.
If there is a TA alert the display will automatically switch to
the TFC display mode.