1.3.3 Coastal Line Storage
'1.3.2 Coastal data
is saved into a storage device in a coastal drawing.
Coastal line storage in built-in ROM (only 1 file can be saved)
[3.Coastal Line]
After input file
name(0001 ~ 9999) , press
[Built-in ROM] and press
Coastal Line Storage in SD CARD
[3.Coastal Line]
After input file
name(0001 ~ 9999) , press
[SD CARD] and press
Coastal Line Storage by sending Data
- It is a function to save by sending to another device using external in/out terminal.
[1.Track Data]
After input file
name(0001 ~ 9999) , press
[COM PORT] and press
1.3.4 Coastal Line Load
'1.3.3 Display a mark in a Plotter Screen after recalling a saved file from a storage device.
Coastal Line Load from built-in ROM
[3.User Coastal Line]
[Built-in ROM]
After selecting Geodetic conversion, Press
Coastal Line Load from USER CARD
[3.User Coastal Line]
and press
After selecting the file to load, Press
Please be advised that the currently displayed coastal line is deleted when the saved
coastal line is recalled.