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- When the value reaches upper or lower limit, MAX or MIN value will be displayed..
ex) S-TM = OFF, 0.01 ~ 99.59 일 경우
If a user set a value higher than 99.60, the maximum value of S.TM, 99.59 will be set and
displayed. If the user set -0.02, the minimum 0.00 will be set and displayed
d) "<" KEY
- The digit to be edited is BLINKING as a cursor.
① Run screen
- To move to other parameter or to enter the parameter value modified
- To move to parameter setup group by pressing SET key 3 seconds
② Parameter setup screen
- After editing a parameter value by the keys of "∧1", "∨2", "<S", pressing SET KEY, the
changed value will be registered and the next parameter will appear. The value should be
within the range of the limits.
- Pressing SET KEY repeatedly without touching other key, the next parameter item will
appear in turn.
- To move to Run screen by pressing SET key 3 seconds
f) ⓤ KEY
① Run screen
- To execute user-defined function by pressing this key 3 seconds
② Parameter setup screen
ex) To visit around the parameters in reverse order by pressing the key repeatedly.