Recent Calls
The Recent Calls menu stores information about Outgoing, Incoming, and Missed
calls. You can also view times for your last call and the time totals for all calls.
Review the Calls Log
In standby mode, press
Recent Calls
Select one of the following options:
• Outgoing Calls
: Your phone retains information about the last 90 outgoing calls and
stores them in the Outgoing calls log. You can review the Outgoing calls log for the time
and date of a call, as well as other information.
To quickly view your most recent calls, briefly press
in standby mode. Up to 270 of your
most recent outgoing, incoming, and missed calls appear in the display.
• Incoming Calls
: Your phone retains information about the last 90 Incoming calls and
stores them in the Incoming call log. You can review the Incoming call log for the time and
date of the call, as well as other information.
• Missed Calls
: Your phone retains information about the last 90 missed calls (calls that
were never picked up) and stores them in the Missed call log. You can review the Missed
call log for the time and date of the call, as well as other information.
• All Calls
: You can review all of the calls log entries (outgoing, incoming, and missed calls)
for the time and date of a call, as well as other information.
• Call Timer
: View the duration of your last call, total calls, and calls made during the life
cycle of you phone using the Call Timer feature.
Call Timer is not for billing purposes.
• Data Counter
: View the amount of Transmit data, Receive data, and Total data
transmitted or received since the last time you reset the data counters, and the Lifetime
amount of data transmitted or received.
Data Counter is not for billing purposes.