Using the product
Call list : Shows the list of incoming and outgoing calls.
<Name> and <IP> are both displayed for contacts registered in the <Phone Book>.
Only <IP> is displayed with <Name> left blank for contacts not registered in the <Phone Book>.
Dialing a call : Depending on whether a SIP server or gate keeper is used, you can make a call by entering an IP, ID or E.164
Current status view : The icon is displayed in yellow or gray according to the corresponding server's log-on status if a
SIP server or gate keeper is used. Depending on the status of the network, it is displayed in either yellow or gray if the
server is not used.
Telephone number input : Pressing the "CALL" button on the remote control after entering the remote party's <IP>, <SIP
ID> or E.164 number will dial a call.
<SIP ID> allows you to use the IDs of users who have logged on through a SIP server, while the E.164 number allows
you to use the numbers of users who have logged on through a gate keeper.
Call Type : Allows you to select either between <Video> call and <Voice> call.
Self camera screen : The self camera screen will be displayed when offline. Allows you to display a list of the currently
connected users and cancel a connection while on the line.