confi gurations
confi gurations
Click Mssql in the right pane after selecting the [Database Setting] submenu in the [Setup].
Check the default values of [Server IP], [Database Name], and [User Name]. Enter the password used in the
installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition into the [User Password] fi eld.
For [Server IP] fi eld, enter the database server’s name. In case the database server is installed on the same
computer, enter localhost. Otherwise, enter the IP address of the computer installed with the database
server. If an instance had been created during the database server installation, enter localhost\instance name
for the host name. For example, if the instance name was SQLEXPRESS, enter localhost\SQLEXPRESS into
the host name fi eld.
For [Database Name] fi eld, enter the database name used by the SAMS Pro. Use the default database name
For [User Name] fi eld, enter the login ID to access the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. Use the
default sa.
For [Authentication] fi eld, select the DB Server Authentication option.
Select the [Site Setting] in [Setup]. Site List that is already registered is displayed on the right pane. Enter the
code 1 into the Site ID fi eld of the Default Site, which is the default site. If there are multiple site lists, set the site
code of the desired site which will be communicating with SAMS Communication Server Pro.
Once completed with all confi gurations, click [OK].