Table of Contents
221 Google
222 Advanced features
223 Bixby Routines
226 Motions and gestures
227 Dual Messenger
228 Digital wellbeing and parental controls
230 Optimising your device
231 Battery
232 Storage
232 Memory
233 Security
233 Apps
233 General management
234 Accessibility
235 Software update
235 About phone
236 Accessibility
253 Troubleshooting
260 Removing the battery
179 Introduction
179 Connections
180 Wi-Fi
182 Bluetooth
183 NFC and payment
186 Data saver
186 Mobile data only apps
187 SIM card manager (dual SIM
187 Mobile Hotspot and Tethering
188 More connection settings
192 Dolby Atmos (surround sound)
193 Separate app sound
195 Blue light filter
196 Dark mode
196 Changing the screen mode or
197 Screen resolution (Galaxy S5G,
202 Face recognition
205 Fingerprint recognition
210 Samsung Pass
214 Secure Folder