Alarm Sound/Emergency Sound
Alarm Sound (Prank Prevention Function)
This function generates an alarm sound and deactivates lock operation when it is improperly
handled from the outside.
Releasing the Alarm
This alarm will sound if an attempt is made to open the door with an invalid card, or if a
wrong password is entered five times in a row.
(The alarm sound is generated, and the lock is deactivated for 3 minutes. While the
door is in this inactive mode, a single “DING” sound is generated every 10 seconds
and seven consecutive “DINGS” will sound after 3 minutes. Following this, the lock is
released from inactive mode.)
Press the
[OPEN] button
on the inner body,
or the
[Register] button
, or take out
Expose the registered card or key tag to
the card reader, or enter the password and
then press the
] button
(The alarm must be released within 10
seconds of its activation.)
Card or Password Error
“Peep 20 times”