SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice
Circuit Description
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2-2-4. EMI ESD Filter
This system uses the EMI ESD filter, U500 to protect noise from IF CONNECTOR part.
2-2-5. IF connetor
It is 18-pin connector. They are designed to use VBAT, V_EXT_CHARGE, USB_D+, +VBUS, USB_D-, TXD1, RXD1,
AUX_ON, EXT1, EXT2, HFK_SPK, HFK_MIC and GND. They connected to power supply IC, microprocessor and signal
processor IC.
2-2-6. Battery Charge Management
A complete constant-current/constant-voltage linear charger for single cell lithium-ion batteries.
If TA connected to phone, "V_EXT_CHARGE" enable charger IC and supply current to battery.
When fault condition caused, "CHG_ON" signal level change low to high and charger IC stop charging process.
2-2-7. Audio
HFR_P and HFR_N from PCF5212El1 are connected to the main speaker via analog switches. MIC_P and MIC_N
are connected to the main MIC as well. EAR1 is the source of External Speaker. AK4642 is 16-bit stereo audio CODEC
with a built-in microphone - Amplifier and Headphone - Amplifier.
I2S signals from CL8522S5 are decoded with audio analog signals. SAPA1D2-24ELP amplify these signals and deliver to
stereo speakers.
2-2-8. Memory
This system uses Samsung's memory, KBH10PD00M-D414. The KBH10PD00M is a Multi Chip Package Memory which
combines 256Mbit Synchronous Burst Multi Bank NOR Flash Memory and two 1Gbit OneNAND Flash and
256Mbit Synchronous Burst UtRAM.
It has 16 bit data line, HD[1~16] which is connected to PCF5212 and CL8522S5, also has 24 bit address lines,
HA[1~24]. There are 3 chip select signals, CS0n_FLASH, CS4n_NAND, and CS1n_RAM.
In the Wrting process, WEn is fallen to low and it enables writing process to operate. During reading process,
OEn is fallen to low and it enables reading process to operate. Each chip select signals in the PCF5212 choose
different memories.