Setting Guide
Samsung Electronics
Service Manual
7.4.5 Entering characters using the keyboard
You can enter alphabet characters using the keyboard on the left side of the control panel. Especially this keyboard is
arranged as like a normal keyboard for its better usability for user. In case of entering the machine ID or email address-
es, it lets you enter letters easily.
Entering alphabet characters
You can enter the alphabet characters by just pressing the alphabet keys on the keyboard, as like a normal keyboard.
To enter the uppercase characters, press Caps Lock button on the keyboard.
Entering numbers
You can enter the numbers by using the number keypad on the right side of the control panel.
Entering symbols
You can enter symbols by pressing the buttons on the upper part of the keyboard. To enter upper symbols on buttons,
press and hold the Shift button and the symbol button simutaneously which you want to enter.
Entering international characters
You can enter the special multilingual characters using the international button.
1. Press the character button you want to enter.
2. Press the international button on the keyboard until the desired character you want displays.
Example: To enter Â, press A key first. And then, press the international button three times until  character shows.
Refer to the table below for international character map.