To place an outgoing call in Lock mode:
To call an emergency or priority number, enter the
number and then press
. You must dial the number
exactly as it is stored or you will get an error message;
“Priority # Dialing Only”.
To place normal outgoing calls, press
to display the
Lock Code screen, and then enter the lock code. When
the Standby screen displays, enter the phone number,
and then press
The Security menu allows you to lock the phone
manually at any time, or
automatically the next time that the phone is turned on.
This setting is convenient in that you can turn your
phone off at night, knowing that if someone
unauthorized attempts to turn it on and use it, they will
not be able to do so because the phone will power up in
lock mode.
To lock the phone:
to display the Main Menu.
for Security and enter the lock code.
for Lock Phone.
Press the navigation keys to select an option:
OFF: The phone unlocks immediately.
NOW: The phone locks immediately and stays locked
until the lock code is entered.