84 Users Manual
Click the
Power Schemes
tab to display the basic power management options.
Select the time that you wish each of the following actions to occur in
AC power
Turn off monitor
Turn off hard disks
System standby
System hibernates
Turning off the monitor and HDDs will save a substantial amount of battery power,
therefore when in battery only mode select the shortest time practical.
You can schedule your system for shutdown, hibernation or standby modes by
clicking System > Computer Scheduling of the EasyBox program (p32).
Hibernate Mode
Power Management or Manual Method
When hibernation is used, your computer turns off and when you power up again,
everything is restored exactly as you left it—including programs and documents
you may not have saved or closed. Everything in memory gets saved to the HDD,
and the monitor and hard disk get turned off.
By default, the power scheme is
configured to SAMSUNG mode.
SAMSUNG mode extends the battery
life and optimizes the Intel Speedstep
Since the CPU power
consumption is automatically
optimized to conserve power when
the computer is operating on battery
power, an application may be
executed slower than when it is
operating on AC power.To use
SAMSUNG mode after reinstalling
Windows, install the PowerCFG
program using the system software