be programmed as members of a station group and may provide steady or inter-
rupted closure.
The system allows six simultaneous conferences up to 5 parties each. If a SCM
daughter board is installed, then the system allows a total of 24 simultaneous con-
ferences up to 5 parties each.
Any combination of up to five parties (stations or outside lines) can be joined to-
gether in an add-on conference. Parties may be eliminated or added after a confer-
ence has been established.
A station user may set up a conference with two or more outside lines and then exit
the conference leaving the outside lines connected in an unsupervised (trunk to
trunk) conference.
Computer Telephone Integration (CTI) allows integration between the iDCS 100
and a personal computer (PC) on a local area network (LAN). Caller ID service is
required for TAPI inbound call applications that use the CID information to display
computer records in conjunction with the presentation of the call to the station on
the iDCS 100.
Smart Centre is an ACD type reporting package that connects to the iDCS 100 CTI
link and can provide group status information to a reader board as well as provid-
ing a wide variety of printed reports showing current and historical data.
Smart Operator is a software application that connects to the iDCS 100 CTI link and
provides a PC based attendant console adjunct. This application works in con-
junction with the operators keyset to give improved visibility of station status within
the system and to make directory searching easier.
TAPI 2.1
TAPI 2.1 is the method of integrating the iDCS 100 system to a computer. TAPI 2.1 is
a LAN based solution allowing computers to communicate directly to the telephone
system over the network system. This establishes a logical connection rather than
a physical connection between telephone and computer. It eliminates the cost and
administrative overhead of connecting every PC to a desktop phone. It empha-
sizes third-party call control. (Example: calls can be tracked as they are transferred,
making it more suited to large office applications).
Table of