Using AllShare PC Software (HMX-S15/S16 only)
Environment confi guration for use of AllShare PC Software
1. You should set up an access permission that other
devices can access AllShare PC Software on your PC.
Set the access permission of a device to ‘Allow’ or ‘All
Allow’ for AllShare PC Software.
2. When you send fi les from other devices to AllShare
PC Software on your PC, you need a folder to save
the downloaded fi les. Set up a download folder for the
fi les.
If the camcorder does not recognize your PC installed
AllShare PC Software when enabling the “
Backup to
” function in HMX-S15/S16, select ‘Tools’ > ‘Settings’
> ‘Privilege Settings’ from AllShare PC Software, and
then set S15/S16 to ‘Allow’ from ‘Sharing Privilege
Settings for My Computer’.
If you cannot fi nd S15 or S16 from ‘Privilege Settings’ >
‘Sharing Privilege Settings for My Computer’ on AllShare
PC Software, set your Windows fi rewall to ‘Off’, and then
try again.