Nastaven’ LCD monitoru
Nastavení LCD monitoru na reÏim pfiehrávání (PLAYER) je stejné
jako postup pro nastavení LCD monitoru na reÏim nahrávání
(CAMERA) - viz str. 3, pouze funkãní pfiepínaã musí b˘t v poloze
Reproduktor se zapíná a vypíná (ON/OFF) otevíráním a zavíráním
LCD panelu.
Nastavení reproduktoru ON/OFF je funkãní pouze pfii otevfieném
LCD panelu. Pokud je reproduktor vypnut, ani po otevfiení LCD
panelu zvuk neusly‰íte.
1. Nastavte funkãní pfiepínaã na reÏim PLAYER.
2. Stisknûte tlaãítko MENU ON/OFF, objeví se
nabídka MENU.
3. Otoãte voliãem UP/DOWN na volbu
4. Stisknûte tlaãítko ENTER.
5. Stisknutím tlaãítka MENU ON/OFF ukonãíte
Ovl‡d‡n’ hlasitosti
Hlasitost reproduktoru se ovládá otáãením
voliãe UP/DOWN v prÛbûhu pfiehrávání.
Nastavení hlasitosti nelze mûnit v
prÛbûhu aktivace nabídky MENU.
Nastaven’ reproduktoru ON/OFF
PÞehr‡v‡n’ z‡znamu
Playing back the Tape
Adjusting the LCD
The procedure for adjusting the LCD display in PLAYER mode is the
same as the procedure for adjusting the LCD display in CAMERA
mode, except that the power switch must be set to PLAYER instead
of CAMERA. Please refer to page 26.
The speaker will be turned ON/OFF by opening/closing the LCD.
The speaker ON/OFF setting operates when the LCD is opened.
When the SPEAKER setting is set to OFF, the speaker will be
muted even after the LCD display has been opened.
1. Set power switch to PLAYER mode.
2. Press MENU ON/OFF button, then the MENU
list will appear.
3. Turn UP/DOWN dial to SPEAKER.
4. Press ENTER to change the setting.
5. Press the MENU ON/OFF button again to exit
the setting SPEAKER setting screen.
The Speakers volume can be controlled
by turning the UP/DOWN dial during playback.
The volume cannot be changed while the
MENU list is visable.
Setting the Speaker ON/OFF
Volume control
SPEAKER ............ON
DISPLAY ..............OFF
C.RESET ..............0:00:00
SPEAKER ............OFF
DISPLAY ..............OFF
C.RESET ..............0:00:00
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