Show complete trace
: Set to display the trace of your
dragging on the keyboard.
Word suggestion
: Set the device to predict words
according to your input and display word suggestions.
Speed vs. accuracy
: Set the ratio between the speed
and accuracy of Swype suggestions.
Reset Swype’s dictionary
: Delete the words you have
added to the dictionary.
: View version information.
Language Options
: Select languages for text input.
Android keyboard
Android keyboard
: Set the device to use the Android
Active input methods
: Select languages for text input.
: Set the device to automatically
capitalise the first letter after a final punctuation mark,
such as a full stop, question mark, or exclamation mark.
Vibrate on key-press
: Set the device to vibrate when you
touch a key.
Sound on key-press
: Set the device to sound when you
touch a key.
Show settings key
: Set whether to show the settings key.
: Set the device to automatically correct
the misspelled words.
Show correction suggestions
: Set the device to
predict words according to your input and display word