General Terms and Conditions of Service
effective 7-1-13
available at
or through
Boost Customer Care. The replenishment
methods available to you will depend on
the terms of your Services. A fee may apply
to certain replenishment methods. Some
service plans may provide for automatic
account balance replenishment through,
for example, automatic billing to a credit
card or debit card or automatic debit
from an eligible account with a financial
institution. Payment through these methods
may be subject to limitations, including,
but not limited to, the number of times an
account may be debited or charged in a
particular time period; the amount that may
be debited or charged from an account;
or other limitations imposed by us or the
financial institution that holds the account.
Protecting Our Networks & Services
We can take any action to: (1) protect
our networks, our rights and interests,
or the rights of others; or (2) optimize or
improve the overall use of our networks
and Services. Some of these actions
may interrupt or prevent legitimate
communications and usage—for example,
message filtering/blocking software
to prevent spam or viruses; limiting
throughput; limiting access to certain
websites, applications or other Data
Content; prohibitions on unintended uses
(for example, use as a dedicated line or use
as a monitoring service); etc. For additional
information on what we do to protect
our customers, networks, Services and
equipment, see our Acceptable Use Policy
and Visitors Agreement at our website.