Edge panel position and style
You can change the position of the Edge handle.
From Settings, tap
Display > Edge panels >
Handle for the following options:
Edge handle: Drag to change the position of the Edge handle along the
edge of the screen.
Position: Choose either Right or Left to set which side the Edge screen
Lock handle position:
Enable to prevent the handle position from being
moved when touched and held.
Style: Choose a color for the Edge handle.
Transparency: Drag the slider to adjust the transparency of the Edge handle.
Size: Drag the slider to adjust the size of the Edge handle.
Width: Drag the slider to adjust the width of the Edge handle.
Vibrate when handle is touched: Vibrate when the Edge handle is touched.
About Edge panels
Check the current Edge panel software version and license information.
From Settings, tap
Display > Edge panels > About
Edge panels.
Getting started