4. Troubleshooting
Door Lock
Door Lock
Measure the state of micro switch
and motor after taking off harness
from the heater.
Check whether lock work normally
by pressing cooking time button and
delay start keypad at the same time
for 3 seconds.
Lock motor
Resistance : 1750 ~ 1850
(at the room temperature)
voltage : 120V
Micro switch
Replace or repair if harness has
been loosen or disconnected.
Oven Lamp Socket
Oven Lamp Socket
First of all, make sure that lamp
lament is disconnected or not.
Measure resistance socket
s terminal
after separating harness from heater
and removing lamp.
Measure the voltage of socket
terminal after having lamp worked by
pressing oven light keypad.
Approx :
Terminal voltage of lamp socket :
Replace or repair harness.
Replace or repair sub PCB
Convection Fan
Convection Fan
Measure resistance value of Motor
terminal after taking off harness from
Measure Voltage of Motor
s terminal
after making oven work by pressing
bake keypad.
(Make sure that voltage has to be
measured for more than 1 minute
because Fan is supposed to on-off
Cycling work.)
Convection Fan : 20 ~ 30
Sub Fan : 85 ~ 100
(Upper, Lower)
Terminal Voltage of Convection
Fan and Sub Fan : 120V
Replace or repair harness
Replace or repair Sub PCB
Sub Fan(Lower)
Sub Fan(Lower)
Sub Fan(Upper)
Sub Fan(Upper)
4-2 Electrical Malfunction