The paged person will be connected with you automatically.
Call Park and Page
When you have a call for someone who is away from their desk, you can park the call and page the
requested party.
1. While in conversation with the caller, press the PAGE key (if assigned) or the PAGE soft key. The call is
automatically parked at your extension.
2. Dial the desired page zone and announce the parked call and your extension number or the line
number. Hang up.
To retrieve a parked call:
1. Press the PARK key, if assigned, or dial 10.
2. Dial the number that was announced.
You will be connected to the parked call.
Note: You cannot park and page internal calls. If the parked call is not retrieved within a pre-
programmed period of time, it will recall your keyset and have a slow flashing amber light. If the Hot
Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset or press the SPEAKER key before you
begin dialling.
Setting a Message Indication
When you are calling another extension or extension group and no one answers or you receive a busy
signal, you can leave a message indication:
1. Press the MSG key OR Press the MSG soft key OR Dial 43 You receive confirmation tone.
2. Hang up. The MSG key(s) on the called extension or on all of the extensions in the group will flash.
(Some phones have a special multi-function lamp which flashes. Standard telephones receive special dial
tone as a message indication.)
Note: An extension can have up to five message indications. If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned
off, you must first lift the handset or press the SPEAKER key before you begin dialling.
Cancelling Messages
To cancel a message indication that you left at another extension, dial 42 followed by the extension
number of the extension at which you left a message. To cancel all message indications left by others at
your keyset, dial 42 followed by your extension number. Your MSG key LED will go out.
Note: If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first lift the handset or press the SPEAKER
key before you begin dialling.
Returning Messages
To answer message indications at your keyset:
1. Lift the handset.