_ troubleshooting and error code
error code
General functions
GAs seNsoR oPeN
In case the value of the gas sensor value is more than 210
during operation/cancellation.
GAs seNsoR shoRt
In case the value of the gas sensor value is less than 6 during
GAs seNsoR mAX tIme
In case of gas sensor time is over estimated cook time.
temPeR seNsoR oPeN
In case the value of the temperature sensor value is more than
250 during operation/cancellation.
temPeR seNsoR shoRt
In case the value of the temperature sensor is less than 5
during operation/cancellation.
uNfINIshed PReheAt
In case the oven has not reached the desired temperature
although a certain amount of time has passed(Unfinished
oveR 230 °c duRING oPeRAtIoN of mWo mode
In case the temperature rises over 230 °C during operation of
mwo mode(fire sensed).
WeIGht seNsoR oPeN
In case the value of the weight sensor value is more than 999
during operation/cancellation.
WeIGht seNsoR shoRt
In case the value of the weight sensor value is less than 30
during operation/cancellation.
tuRN tAble tAKe off
In case of taking off the support tray
dAmPeR s/W
In case it fails to sense the DAMPER to open or close for 1
CP1395ST_XEU-03749S.indb 62
2010-09-18 �� 2:58:57