Samsung AX32 G3100G Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 13







Turning on/off the air purifier

•  Press the Power button to start operation of the air purifier.
•  When you first turn on the air purifier after connecting the power cord, a 

chime sound is played and cleaning operation (fan speed: Auto) starts.

•  When the power has been turned off and then on again, the product 

operates in its previous operation mode.

•  The air quality indicator and the indicators of the selected operation 

and function light up.


Air quality indicator colours: (polluted) red → yellow → green → blue (clean)

•  The air quality level is shown based on readings of the dust sensor, 

and the level may change frequently or may not change for a long 

period of time, depending on the surroundings.

Controlling the fan speed

•  Press the fan speed button to select an operation mode.
•  Each time you press the button, the mode changes in the following 

order: Auto → High → Medium → Low.

•  The air quality indicator maintains the current state, and the indicator 

of the selected operation mode lights up.

•  In auto mode, the interior air quality is kept clean by automatically 

adjusting the fan speed according to the ambient dust and smell levels.

Sleep mode

•  Press the sleep mode button to start sleep mode.
•  In sleep mode, the fan speed is adjusted to provide a quiet and 

pleasant environment for a comfortable sleep. When the sleep mode 

is selected, only the sleep mode indicator is lit up dimly.

Lock function

Use this function to lock all buttons to prevent the buttons from being 

pressed by mistake or by children during operation of the device.

•  Press and hold the Power button for more than 3 seconds to turn on the 

lock mode. 

•  When the Lock function is on, all buttons are disabled and cannot be selected.

Turning off the function

•  Press and hold the Power button for more than 3 seconds. The 

feature is released after a beep.

3-second press

If you hear a chime sound when you connect the power plug, the power supply has been connected properly.

Using the functions

How to Use

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2022-03-18   오전 8:24:34

2022-03-18   오전 8:24:34

Содержание AX32 G3100G Series

Страница 1: this Samsung air purifier Before operating this unit please read this user manual carefully and retain it for future reference ACR047 00_IB_ACR AX3100B_TC_EN_Web_ indd 1 ACR047 00_IB_ACR AX3100B_TC_EN_Web_ indd 1 2022 03 18 오전 8 24 31 2022 03 18 오전 8 24 31 ...

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Страница 6: ...mental capabilities orlack of experience and knowledge unless they have been given supervision orinstruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible fortheirsafety Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not playwith the appliance Foruse in Europe This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and per sons with reduced physical sensory ormental capa...

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Страница 8: ...yourself STEP2 Removethepre filter STEP3 Removethe2 in 1filter STEP4 Removethevinylpackagingfromthefilters Theproductdesignandspecificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutpriornoticeforqualityimprovement Removing the filter ACR047 00_IB_ACR AX3100B_TC_EN_Web_ indd 8 ACR047 00_IB_ACR AX3100B_TC_EN_Web_ indd 8 2022 03 18 오전 8 24 33 2022 03 18 오전 8 24 33 ...

Страница 9: ...panel ensuringthatthe8latches areinserted STEP4 Turningoffthefilterreplacementreminderafter replacingfilters Pressandholdthe buttonformorethan3seconds NOTE Whenfilterreplacementisneeded thefilterreplacement reminderonthetopdisplayblinks Replacewithanewfilter andturnoffthefilterreplacementreminder Ifthefiltersaresaturatedwithsurroundingodoursandthe roomsmellsbad replacethefiltersandturnoffthefilter...

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Страница 11: ... Frontpanel Thisimageisarepresentativeimage Theproductdesignandspecificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutnoticeforthe purposeofimprovingquality Airpurifier Component names Mainunit 01 07 06 03 04 05 02 ACR047 00_IB_ACR AX3100B_TC_EN_Web_ indd 11 ACR047 00_IB_ACR AX3100B_TC_EN_Web_ indd 11 2022 03 18 오전 8 24 34 2022 03 18 오전 8 24 34 ...

Страница 12: ...n 06 2 in 1filterreplacementreminder 07 Power Lockbutton 08 Fanspeedbutton 09 Sleepmode Filterresetbutton NOTE Airqualityisshownthroughthedustsensor Airqualityindicatorcolours Polluted red yellow green blue clean Airpurifier ACR047 00_IB_ACR AX3100B_TC_EN_Web_ indd 12 ACR047 00_IB_ACR AX3100B_TC_EN_Web_ indd 12 2022 03 18 오전 8 24 34 2022 03 18 오전 8 24 34 ...

Страница 13: ...ntstate andtheindicator oftheselectedoperationmodelightsup Inautomode theinteriorairqualityiskeptcleanbyautomatically adjustingthefanspeedaccordingtotheambientdustandsmelllevels Sleepmode Pressthesleepmodebuttontostartsleepmode Insleepmode thefanspeedisadjustedtoprovideaquietand pleasantenvironmentforacomfortablesleep Whenthesleepmode isselected onlythesleepmodeindicatorislitupdimly Lockfunction U...

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Страница 17: ...therthanyourPC suchasanairconditioner andanairpurifier totheInternet OpenSourceAnnouncement Thesoftwareincludedinthisproductcontainsopen sourcesoftware Youmayobtainthecomplete correspondingsourcecodeforaperiodofthreeyears afterthelastshipmentofthisproductbycontactingour supportteamviahttp opensource samsung com Please usethe Inquiry menu Itisalsopossibletoobtainthecompletecorresponding sourcecodei...

Страница 18: ...rochloricacidororganicsolvent e g thinner kerosene acetone DoNOTattachastickertothesurface Theproductsurfacemaybecomedamaged Cleaningthesensorunit Dust sensor lens Useacottonswaptocarefullywipethedustsensorlens Ifsensoriscontaminatedwitheitherdustorotherforeign material ahighPMconcentrationmaybedetected CAUTION DoNOTputdustintothesensorinlet Besuretodisconnectthepowerplugfromthesocketbeforecleanin...

Страница 19: ...nwashingthepre filters donotrubwithabrushor anyothersimilartool Thesuperfinefibresmaybecome damaged NOTE Ifyouusetheproductinaplacewithalotofdust suchasa placewithcarpetsorpetsandaclothesshop werecommend thatyouwashthefiltersavermorefrequently Dryingthefilters Keepfiltersawayfromdirectsunlight Makesurethatthefilteriscompletelydrybeforeinsertingit backintotheairpurifier Cleaning the filters ACR047 ...

Страница 20: ...iltersregardlessoftheremaining warranty Operatetheproductfor3to4hourswiththedoorsandwindowsopen Ifyougrillfishormeatorcookwithoil itisrecommendedtoventilate theroomtoremovetheodoursbeforeoperatingtheairpurifier Usinganairfreshener diffuser scentedcandleorcleaningagent doing interiorworkorchangingwallpaperbeforeoperatingtheairpurifier maysaturatethefilterswithodourscausingtheairpurifiertoemitsome u...

Страница 21: ...ctyourlocalSamsungService Centreforassistance Ifyouuseahumidifier electricpressurecookerorsprayaroundtheproduct theairqualitycanbedisplayedaspoor Thefanspeeddoesnotchangewhentheairqualitylevel changes SetthefanspeedtoAuto Thefanspeeddoesnotchangeautomatically whenitissettoLow MediumorHigh andwhenSleepmodeison Display Thefilterreplacementreminderstayson Afterreplacingwithanew2 in 1filter pressandho...

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