EB 8389-1S EN
Valve signature
Analysis and monitoring
The positioner generates the 'Change in fric
tion' message with the selected status classifi
cation. The friction for the total range of the
valve, the mid valve position and for the
ranges near to the end positions are com-
The positioner calculates the friction during
closed-loop operation from the actuator fill
ing and venting graphs at the point where a
directional change in valve travel takes
place. The positioner converts the friction da-
ta into fixed points close to the point of di
rectional change and compares them to the
reference friction.
If the friction at a fixed point increases to
more than double of the reference friction,
the friction is regarded to be higher.
If the friction at a fixed point drops to less
than half of the reference friction, the friction
is regarded to be lower.
To ensure that sufficient data points
are available for calculating the fric-
tion, the valve must not be moved too
Diagnostics > Monitoring > Valve
Change in friction: , , ,
Resetting single status mes
All messages generated by the valve signa-
ture can be reset together by selecting and
executing "Reset 'Pressure sensor monitoring
values". These messages include:
Change in friction
Supply pressure status
Defective actuator springs
At the same time, the supply pressure data
(supply pressure, min. supply pressure and
max. supply pressure) are reset as well.
Diagnostics > Service/maintenance > Reset
Reset 'Pressure sensor monitoring values'