EB 2558 EN
Safety instructions
General safety instructions
Observe the following instructions on installation, start-up and operation of the regulators for
your own safety:
The regulator is to be assembled, started up or operated only by trained and
experienced personnel familiar with the product. Make sure employees or
third persons are not exposed to any danger.
All safety instructions and warnings in these mounting and operating instruc-
tions, particularly those concerning assembly, start-up and maintenance, must
be observed.
According to these mounting and operating instructions, trained personnel is
referred to as individuals who are able to judge the work they are assigned to
and recognize possible dangers due to their specialized training, their knowl-
edge and experience as well as their knowledge of the applicable standards.
The regulator fulfils the requirements of the European Pressure Equipment Di-
rective 97/23/EC. Regulators with a CE marking have a declaration of con-
formity that includes information about the applied conformity assessment
The declaration of conformity is available on request.
For appropriate operation, make sure that the regulator is only used in areas
where the operating pressure and temperatures do not exceed the operating
values specified in the order that the valve sizing data are based on. The man-
ufacturer does not assume any responsibility for damage caused by external
forces or any other external influence!
Any hazards that could be caused in the regulator by the process medium, the
operating pressure or by moving parts are to be prevented by means of the
appropriate measures.
Proper shipping and storage are assumed.
Non-electric valve versions whose bodies are not lined with an insulating
material coating do not have their own potential ignition source according to the
risk assessment stipulated in EN 13463-1:2001, section 5.2, even in the rare inci-
dent of an operating fault. Therefore, such valve versions
do not
fall within the
scope of Directive 94/9/EC.