SeCtIOn 8 |
troubleshooting Guide
oPeRAtion AS A SiMPLe PoWeR SUPPLY - onLY LoAD iS connecteD.
no eXteRnAL BAtteRY AnD no BAtteRY BAcKUP.
Possible cause
ON / OFF Switch is ON
• Switch is NOT lighted
• No DC output
No AC power from the
AC outlet
Internal AC side fuse
is blown
Check AC power is available at the AC
outlet. Breaker feeding the AC outlet may
have tripped.
Open the top cover and check the 4A AC
side fuse. Replace if blown.
If the fuse blows again, the input section
is damaged. Please call Tech Support.
ON / OFF Switch is ON
• Switch is lighted
• No DC output
Unit has shut down due to over
temperature – Temperature of
output transformer windings is:
≥ 105°C ± 5°C / 221°F ± 9°F
Check that the fan is running. If not, the
fan / fan control circuit may have been
damaged. Call Tech Support.
Check that the fan suction vents on
the sides of the unit and the discharge
vents on the bottom of the unit are not
The unit will reset automatically when the
transformer windings cool down to
≤ 75°C ± 5°C / 167°F ± 9°F
ON / OFF Switch is ON
• Switch is lighted
• DC Output voltage
If the voltage loses regulation
and drops to < 13.5V, the unit is
overloaded and is in current limit.
The load is trying to draw ≥ the
current limit value of 25A
If the voltage drop is considerable
with voltage < 2V, the load side
is seeing a short circuit and short
circuit current limited to 25A is
being driven into the short circuit
Reduce the current drawn by the load to
less than the continuous rating of 23A.
Switch OFF the load. Remove the short
circuit on the load side.
GFCI outlet / GFCI breaker
supplying AC power to
the unit trips when the
unit is switched ON
Additional RF noise currents from
the unit that are filtered to Earth
Ground increase the net Leakage
Current on the GFCI outlet / GFCI
breaker to > 5mA
Switch OFF other SMPS devices operating
from the same GFCI outlet / GFCI breaker
to reduce the net leakage current to <
Move the unit to another GFCI outlet /
GFCI breaker that has lesser number of
SMPS load(s) or no SMPS load
Power the unit from normal, non GFCI
outlet or from an outlet not protected by
GFCI breaker