Electrical equipment can cause harm to
persons. it is the responsibility of the user
to install this appliance only after he has
read this manual with care and become
familiar with all necessary requirements.
SVE- 104- 114- T vacuum packaging
machines are sturdy, reliable and modem
machines, easy to use and combining high
productivity with excellent results. These
pages include installation instructions,
operating suggestions and procedures for
correct maintenance. The description uses,
for precision and simplicity, numbers that
indicate parts specified in the parts Iist.
Set SVE- 104- 114- T on a suitably large
horizontal surface. Make sure ventilation
grill Is not blocked by any obstacle.Check
that the operating voltage for SVE- 104-
114- T corresponds to available grid
voItage. Also check that the plug has a
ground connection since this appliance has
insulation and is equipped with a device for
connection to the safety ground conductor
in accordance with the provisions for class
1 appliances (CEI 64 8 Standards) and
must be firmlj connected to ground. The
power outIet must be able to furnish at
least 200 VA of power.
Welding and cooling times must be
adjusted depending on the thickness of the
bag that is used greater thicknesses
require longer times and vice¬ versa.The
time required to aspirate all the air and
generate a vacuum depends on the
relationship between the dimensions of the
bag and the quantity of product it contains.
Every time there Is liquid inside the plate
seal or inside the cup these must be
immediately cleaned and dried. Presence of
Iiquid, in fact, may prevent perfect vacuum
seal. In this case we recommend repeating
the weld one centimeter back from the first
weld. Avoid putting materials in the bags
that may puncture the bag during
aspiration phases.
All maintenance must be done with the
machine off and the power plug
disconnected from the power grid outlet.
The machine must remain off for at least
20 minutes so that all welding components
cool down. The following maintenance
procedures can be performed in total
safety if you comply with these precautions
:every day, or whenever necessary, clean
exterior components, seals, the filter, etc.
using alcohol detergent. Parts that are
cleaned must be perfectly dried before
restarting the appliance. Eliminate all
foreign bodies that prevent free air
circulation in the air aspiration tubes The
welding bar cover strip has an average
working life of about 2000 thousand
welds. Replace this cover strip when
The manufacturer declines all
responsibility for harm to persons, animals
or property caused by failure to comply,
totally or in part with the installation,
operating and maintenance instructions
given above.
The CE statement of conformity is the
process whereby the manufacturer or his
agent residing in the European Community
states that the machine placed on the
market complies with all the basic health
and safety requirements that concern it.
Signing the CE statement of conformity
authorizes the manufacturer or his agent
residing in the European Community to
put the CE brand on the machine (1).
The manufacturer, in particular,
- The machines are designed to operate,
be adjusted and undergo maintenance
without these procedures, performed in
the conditions herein stipulated,
exposing persons to risks;
- The manufacturer has applied the
following principles, in the order given,
when selecting the most appropriate
- reduce or eliminate risks in the best
possible manner (integrate safety in
design and manufacture of the
adopt the necessary protection
measures regarding risks that cannot
be eliminated- inform users regarding
residual risks caused by incomplete
efficiency of the safety measures
- The manufacturer, during design and
manufacture of the machine as weII as
when drawing up operating
instructions, has considered not only
formal use of the machine but also all
reasonably possible uses (2).
(1) From CE Machine Regulations,
Attachment V, European Community
Official Publications Office, 1993,
(2) From CEN/TC 114- EN 292 machine
Safety Standards.The Ce machine
conformity Statement (Directive 8
9/392 Ce, Attachment Il, part A)
The model SVE- 104- 114- T vacuum
packaging machine conforms to the terms
of Machine Directive (Directive 89/392 CE)
as emended and to the national legislation
that enacts it and also states that the
following (parts of clauses of)
harmonization standards have been
applied: in 60204- 1, CEN/EN 71, CEN/TC
114,CE 88/378, ATS 2486.
The manufacturer reserves the right to vary
the values, dimensions and weights
indicated in this manual at any time and
without giving prior notice.
Set seal timer on No. 4. Insert the product
inside the bag and then hold it about 4
centimeters from the mouth, positioning it
above and about one centimeter
overlapping the black seal. Stop when your