Before reassembling the different components, some precautions must be taken:
Clean all the parts with the appropriate cleaning solvent and a brush.
Install new seals if it is necessary after having lubricated them with PTFE grease.
Install new parts if it is necessary.
Assembly errors
The use of improper replacement or defective parts may result in hazards to personnel,
damage, malfunction or general shutdown of the equipment.
Slightly unscrew the aircap retaining ring and rotate the
aircap by one half turn. If the defect is reversed, one of the
lateral air holes is plugged up or deformed. Clean the gun
aircap with solvent and unclog the air holes with
compressed air. If the problem is not resolved, it means that
the fluid nozzle is damaged.
This comes from a defect in the central fan. Clean the
aircap and the fluid nozzle. Make sure that:
the aircap is correctly centered on the nozzle,
the nozzle is not too big for the needle,
when work is done with a large needle opening and the
needle almost closed, the spray pattern is not even in all
The fan air pressure is too high at the holes in the air cap
turn the fan air control clockwise to reduce the fan air
increase the paint output.
Fan too thick
in the center
This is the reverse of the above defect:
the paint output is too high for the selected air pressure :
increase the spraying air pressure and reduce the paint
if the paint is too thick, dilute it.
spray pattern
An air inlet in the paint circuit creates an intermittent
pattern when:
the paint cup is nearly empty,
when the nozzle is not tightened on its seat: clamp it.
If the problem persists, remove the nozzle and clean it.
Check that the seat and the cone are not damaged,
remove the nozzle and clamp it.
Check that: the cup cover air hole is not blocked and the
paint is homogeneous and fluid enough (use the viscosity