Instruction manual
Rear - front and rear flail mowers
In real life the user should use so called "common sense". In regards with this during intense
usage the cost of necessary service checks should be taken into account – see
After driving onto single bushes with diameters up to about 2 cm. the tractor should be
momentarily stopped until the mower can shred the bush completely and then slowly, in spurts,
move forward so that the cutting unit does not get clogged.
For thick and high vegetation, stumps etc. use heavier machinery.
Machine cannot be operated if excessive vibrations occur. Such situation
may happen when rotor is bent or/and flails are missing. As a remedy, flails
need to be replaced or/and rotor balanced. Operating equipment which
excessively vibrates may lead to its damage and
void warranty coverage
5.7. Removing clogging and jams
When operating the mower pay attention to variable conditions on field, which may influence
the mower clogging and jams, such as: terrain unevenness, height and density of grass as well as
other objects in the grass (stones, branches, piles of soil). In order to avoid clogging and jams,
operating speed should be adjusted to the mentioned conditions.
Removing clogs and jams while the machine is in operation can lead to the
In case of machine blockage caused by wrapped material, set the machine on a flat surface,
remove excess material using sharp tool. After clearing the machine check if nothing has been
To remove any clogging it is obligatory to disconnect the drive and the motor, take out the
ignition key. When eliminating any clogging on the machine, use also safety means for operator, so
protective gloves and tight wear.
5.8. Dismounting the mower from the tractor
To dismount the mower from the tractor, do the following:
turn the cutter-shaft’s drive off,
place the mower on an even, paved ground, lower and secure support legs, check, if the mower
is properly secured against falling,
turn the tractor's engine off and take ignition key out,
dismount the PTO shaft and place it on a shaft holder,
detach tractor’s top and lower links from the mower’s hitch,
carefully drive away with the vehicle.