The SP120 is configured and adjusted by the use of an
innovative and stylish Touch Ring, and two touch
sensitive buttons. The Touch Ring surrounds the
controller display, and is operated very easily by moving
your finger around the ring.
The Arrow key is not active when
the SP120 is in NORMAL mode. To
access the Menu screens, press the
OK key twice and backlight is now
ON. The first menu displayed is the
BOOST menu. Use the Touch Ring
to scroll through the Menus, and
press the OK key to select the
menu you want to use:
You can scroll through the menus in either direction (forwards or backwards) depending on the
direction you move your finger around the Touch Ring. The menus are displayed in the order
shown in the picture above.
Pressing the Arrow key will return the SP120 to NORMAL mode. The controller will also return
to NORMAL mode after 10 seconds if no Key is pressed or if no movement is detected on the
Touch Ring.
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