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Push the TRIG MENU button to see the Trigger menu.
Push F1 to select Slope for the Type option.
Push the Source option button to select CH1; push the Slope option button to select Rising; push the Mode
option button to select Auto; push the Coupling option button to select DC.
Click the ‘Next Page’ button and select Vertical. Turn the V0 knob to adjust V1 and V2 to proper locations.
Select the When option button and set it to ‘=’.
Select ‘Time’ and turn V0 to adjust the time until you get a stable display of waveforms. See the figure below.
Example 9:
Using Overtime Trigger to Measure Long Pulse Signal
It is not easy to observe some part of a long pulse signal by using the edge or pulse width trigger. In such case, you
can use the overtime trigger by following steps.
Push the TRIG MENU button to see the Trigger menu.
Push F1 to select OT for the Type option; push the Polarity option button to select Normal; push the Mode
option button to select Auto; push the Coupling option button to select DC.
Turn the Trigger Level knob to adjust the trigger level and stabilize video signals.
Turn V0 to adjust the line number (NTSC: 0-525 lines).
Turn the horizontal SEC/DIV and the vertical VOLTS/DIV knobs to display on the screen a complete video signal
triggering on a video line. See the figure below.