Kettle Interior – Descaling
Under normal use, scale build-up will form on the inside of the Kettle
and will coat the stainless steel plate. Scale, which has accumulated
inside the Kettle must be removed. Follow either of the 2 methods
A. For light scale build-up:
Fill the Kettle with 1 L (4 cups) of cold tap water and bring to a
boil. Add 500 ml (2 cups) of white vinegar and let stand overnight.
Discard. Fill the Kettle to the MAX fill line with cold tap water. Bring to
a boil and discard. Repeat.
B. For heavier scale build-up:
Use pure vinegar, boil, and then let stand overnight. Empty out
vinegar and fill the Kettle to the MAX level with fresh water. Bring
water to a boil and discard.
For the heaviest scale build-up use a scale/lime remover and follow
the manufacturer’s instructions.
The Kettle is ready to use.
- The descaling process should be repeated periodically.
- Scale build-up can be reduced by pouring out water after Kettle use
then refilling the Kettle when required.
- Discoloration of the stainless steel heating plate inside the kettle is
normal. This can be easily cleaned by descaling the kettle. Follow
the directions above.