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Most fork models feature some type of low-speed compression
adjustment (LSC) in addition to the platform settings (Fig. 18).
Often, this LSC adjustment is found as steps between the open and
lock position, occasionally it is on a separate dial. LSC can be used
to combat fork dive (from braking), but will sacrifice slightly on how
supple the fork feels. Usually just a few clicks of LSC(+) is adequate
for all but the heaviest riders. Very light riders may use none.
Some rear shock models also feature a LSC adjustment separate
of the pedal/lockout adjustment. For rear shocks, LSC can be used
to help further stabilize the rear suspension under pedaling in a
more subtle fashion than the pedal platform does. Generally most
riders can use little to no LSC, but heavier riders might find added
LSC(+) helps stabilize the bike under pedaling.
Figure 18
6400 West 105th Street, Bloomington, MN 55438
Tel: 877-668-6223 Fax: 952-983-6210