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Страница 1: ...ACKGAMMON z ZSaitek...

Страница 2: ...4 x AA AM3 86 ffi t r 1...

Страница 3: ...idslhocl6ar pl srlc vo rorhslelr rh by lt mat nytumnotho mputoron PG ROLLOICE lo 6 6whogo slirslth6 iohl h nddi inlhodisp ayisyouGandil l i6high f I 16 yourlunlo nor o sr rlh el d sFo srh hor o r th 0...

Страница 4: ...Tak ngBackMov6s 3 11Doubhnq 3 12 Sc r rg 3 14Intgirupting a Game 3 15Slarlnqa NewG me DIAGB iIOFKEYSAND FEATUFES DIAGF M OFLCODISPLAY INTFODUCNON Howio s lhs Ma a A THE GAMEOF BACKGAMMON RULESAND VAB...

Страница 5: ...ilhlheComputer AUTHOFTZEO SEBVTCE CENTEFS 5 2 UsngM nua Oico 5 3 PlayngAgainslAnolher Pefson Cle ring lheBoad SellngUp Positon Adding Det ln9 t en ptease Note Changing lhsCurenlBoadPosilon Spec SotUpR...


Страница 7: ...SE AFROW Ussdtomove LCo a owindic loB l andl naclockwise dreclon round lheboad H COUNTEFCLOCKWISE AFFOW Us d lo move a owsn acolnterclockwise d cl o I FIGHIOIE Us6dlo ritake move using valus shown onr...

Страница 8: ...5 16 olsplay d whsn scors lsshown Us d lodlsplay dlltoronl lyposol oisplays playing lev l Dbpl y d wh nd ubl b fi r d Dlsplay d wh ndoublo isaccspled Displayed whilegamsslalisticsal b ing ol playsd wh...

Страница 9: ...soponabolhalil canaccompany you nywhere yougol TheSailek Champion Backgammon complter knows allhe ruesofBackg mmon isalways rcady whenever youare nlhemood toplayandhas wonderlu commandolexped Backgamm...

Страница 10: ...6ils ll ndnotonthocomput f You willn sdlo havea go dundsrsranding ol rhos6 ulesb lor yoLr aclualty slartplaylng g insllh Forrhoseol youwhoaroakoadylamiliarwilhlhs ruesot B ckg mmon andw nlto l amhowlo...

Страница 11: ...ours clons or rabl s Th leftsd s call d rh ourorrabls and lhs ighl sid istheInn rlrble orhom t bl So Fgu 1toradi g m 1th s clionsollh E ch labl6isdividod intosixl ngulffpolnis colo d llem l lyln cont...

Страница 12: th players roIbothdic6lor chmov a play6 moveshism6n ccodingtolhe numbs s shfln onth dicehehaslhrown Thenumb s ar considsred individually nolinsumlolal Th s ila player rhrows a l nd Li h6m ymov on m...

Страница 13: ...s a Whilem nlromlhe 24thpointmu t mov lo lh 17lhpoini 24 23 23 17 sinc no olh fpl c6 6anlullyus thsrolll Ita play r c nm v ilhe onsoi lhenumbels bui notboth lh n h muslmov lh hlgh f numb r ndpasslhelo...

Страница 14: ...anonloyouroppon6nl s inn6rt blo il For xample ityourollaU anda J youmay nlsryour manor silhsrlh6s cond 0rlourlhpolnt ol youropponsnr s inne rabl lhss cond ortoudh lrcmho ed96 ll howevsr lh6 poi s ar o...

Страница 15: ...bearingoll lhs s dore ccord q10ltrcd ce ITown flefe 1oollrcpay rr nlsl use r s enlrer lp ssb r or asmuc oT1 rslr icnn The 1oow n tire xr rp cs ol b rarnC oll tro ftr6 rlyo ro a ll i d yo rny b o 1 I 5...

Страница 16: ...or s2points ordoubl6thasr t e ltlh l s rh snolb6en blelob arofianyol his m n andh sal l ast on mansluckonthsb ror onlh winn as nn rlabl lhs lscal d a b kg mmon In b ckgammon thswlnn r scor s 3 polnrs...

Страница 17: ...asb enacc pr d theperson who doubl d c nnol m k6 lhon xldoublo lhatis no onscan vordoubl iwic6in row Th ppon nt nowhasconlrol ol lh doubling cub ndm yos 2 VAFIATIOI S OFTHEGAI E YourSaitsk Champion Ba...

Страница 18: ...r o a q r l r r t r l i t l f r r r r r r i r i l r p o n l T r l r t l r r i r l r 1 1 1 1 r r l r n r1 1 r L l i 1 r t t r l n r l r f d l r r r o L n l 1 l l l i i l q l a d r I i r r v L l r r n...

Страница 19: ...stbt toryour m nrodosoanywhers onlheboard Youmust rsoarwayspl yth low rnumborotth ro ftsl ti you nol playil lhenyoumust pass ev n il you could hav play d lhehigh6 numbsr When doubesa sloir d youpl yrh...

Страница 20: ...lhalwhen b aring otlinJacqu lhe monaroplaced onlho opponents staning poinl Youcanor bea oliil th tpointlsoccupied Inthis manner thepisc s bscomer adytor thenen game whenlho opponenls lradilionally ch...

Страница 21: ...l regardless olwh lhef or nolhrsoppon nl hasborn anymenoli Thisvaridion popula inTork y lsslmi rto Triclrac andJacquel t us6sth samenta sl ning poslion lhesame counlerclockwiso movemenr noblols nobars...

Страница 22: ...atterios Weslrongly recommond ilralyouuse k lioebafleieslor longbanery ile over150 operarnqhou6 ope lhe ballerycompanmenl and inserlthe balleres as shown n lhe d agr mal rhelronl ol the manual mak 9 s...

Страница 23: ...ameol Backgammon wrrh Whire movingn a counrercockw e dreclion lhe doublng cubeshowsE9 ndic l nglhalbolh payershavelheoplonoldolb nglheslak s ol lhogameyouFruFn s dspayed DICE display llashesreminding...

Страница 24: ...shlgh f it tuisly displaysI o to lsi you know that lsthinking ndth n m k6s thetirst mov6 pl yingwilhlhe Blactm n lP b shown inlhsdlEpl y duingilstuln lldoubl s ar lh own pr ss BOLLD CEagain lor nolier...

Страница 25: ...ghts a doublekafre arcund achdl sshowibelow il tl FiWrc 11 LtaD Showinq DaUbl F es Atu nd Di h lhs s youmaymak 4 moves asdssc bed n Seclion 1 5 useLEFTDIEto maksth moves lf youwalchlhetCD dicodisplay...

Страница 26: andyouwlshlo chang il simply pr ss T KEAACK Ihe compure altohalic lly rak6sb cklhe l stm v m ds Youmaylhsnplayanorh n ov inns plac bulyoumusloirhs koyinth a m dlc numbeB again s S clion 5 2 orpr s...

Страница 27: ...lh computor mak s itsmov ndthe doublingorbe valuereflsctsth nswst k Aftor dolblehasbe n acc pl d byeith sde lh sd whodoubled cannot make lhs nexl doubeilhalis noon c n verdoubl twic n a row ThecompLrt...

Страница 28: ...JECT lochang lh6lovel pressing il r p at dly il necessary unlllh desir6d lsvel number shows inrh displ y ThenprcssACCEPT andth6dispL y d lsvelisautornatically lnoliecl Th playing l v lmayb chang d al...

Страница 29: ...h cotnputatoff 4 1Typ ol Gsm WhsiGAMEOPTION islilslpr ssed lh curenl 3 15Stlnlng a lt wGsme gam6 v i lion ll sh s inlh displ y Prcssing Toslana newgads duritg a curcnt game sir pty FEJEqTai thispoinlr...

Страница 30: ...ay d Sound On A Oisprayed Sound Oli 4 3Slr l gy Typ6ot Pr y Youmayalsochoos iromthr dill r ntryp sol playing s atsgy allowing yourod cid how aggressivs youwantyou computer opponent to be Thisisaccompl...

Страница 31: ...ych nge sidos wilhlh comput r atany I mesimpy bypr ssing PLAYinsroad olmaking a move Youmaydolhisasofl n syoulikedu nq a game Byprossing BOLLDICE andPl Y ovs and ver allof very mov youcan venwalch lhe...

Страница 32: ...l I on play r ag inst th compul r pr ss BEJECT lochang thedisplay lo Pl Thenoress CCEPT ndlh coftDul6r is s llorlwo play r mod E ch olyoum ynow nl l movesonthecompulerandplaya gam againslon anothor En...

Страница 33: ...lnt Pr ssrhskoy whch ndicales ih oooos t colo lr m th6men occlpying lhalpoint For xampler liapoinl contains 5 Blackmen prossing WHITE MEN while rhoarow indic res lhatpoint lak sonsol lhs Black menofit...

Страница 34: ...r3 Black m nonlhrspornl 7 P essC 4 mot lim sandlh nP ssWHTTE MEN5limeslo pul5whil menonthispoinl 8 P ssq again noticing thatthesymbolnow changes ro low r arcw l to indicatelho 9 P6ssBLACKMEN5timss wal...

Страница 35: ...d willsimplyb s tuplora n6woamo ChanghglheCur ni aoardPosltlon Youmayarso useSelUpMod lochang6lhe cur nlboa dposilion Thisisaccomplish d by pf s ing SETUPatanylimedurlng agame and lhenlollowing th pro...

Страница 36: ...prob blily isan mponadparlol becoming naccoriplished player especiallywlh regard lo thechancesol Belore explaining howrhesialstics lealure works herearsaiowwords reqarding lhespecilic ilems whch readd...

Страница 37: ...yonopossibl comb n tion whch alowslhesamemoves Oblalnlng GameSl tlsllcsnomlh Compuler Tryoullhesratistics lealure ld yo rsell by 1 When ll isyoorl n toplay press STAIISTICS Thedsp y shows prF cou l lh...

Страница 38: ...ur AAsi2e Typ AIM3 F alkalino batleries obseryiig lh po rily and mark d onlheinslde oitheb tlery compartm n1 cov r 4 Turnlh6Lntov6r and sidolhec6arplaslc aulomalically turnth6 compul f isnow ady whei...

Страница 39: ...C res d M lnrenanc YolrSalekChamp ongackgammon compurer 6 a prec soneectron c devlce andshoud nolbe subiecled 1o o ghhandlng orexposed lo xlrem I mperalures 0rmosl re Aso make s renollo usoch mca agen...

Страница 40: ...s wrong Batteiesweakordead lj 6 ofp rssls consu t Se ice 3 Sggm nts inlh dsplay a LCDContrcstStidetnotadjusted cpnodly orbalteriesw ak Adjusl Lc0 c nrr sli I dimnsss perssls rspac balt nes 4 Compulsrg...

Страница 41: ...ivelhs aulomalic pass Thepteviousnove daesrct nak t ttuseot itstott seeSectjon 5 Press TAKEB CK ndlhen reenlerlheorI naldicevaluos inloIhocompulor man0allyi lhenm k6 lho nove al tully 7 Thocompulsrwil...

Страница 42: ...a z TSailek...
