3P@C Installation Manual
Page 12-9
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judged basing on the length of loop. The value for commissioning the ADSL service line is
lower than 170nF.
View the value of C a-gnd and C b-gnd, requiring the difference between these two should be
less than 5%, the consistency between the C a-gnd and C b-gnd values reflects the quality of
the parameters for Line A and B -ground balance. If these two values are greatly different, the
connection rate and stability of ADSL would be affected.
R a-b insulation resistance should be more than 200k
in normal condition, if less than this
value, the subscriber line may suspend other devices, such as charge register, IP dialer and
inquiry station dialing limiter.
Before commissioning, the parameters of subscriber lines should be
tested to ensure the commissioning of the ADSL service.
Connection, Testing and Commissioning of User End Devices
1) Connection splitter
The ADSL service is the traditional voice and data services run on a twisted pair, requiring the installation of
splitter at the user end to separate voice from data. The correct installation of ADSL splitters is a key step in the
process of ADSL service commissioning.
The house line should be first connected into the Line port of the ADSL splitter, and all the audio devices should
be connected to the Phone port of the splitter and ADSL Modem to the Modem port.
The practice of connecting to any voice devices before the Line port
of the splitter should be prohibited, or else, Modem cannot work
The method for correctly connecting the splitter is shown in the figure below:
Figure 12-4 Connection of splitters
External line
Fax machine
Some Modems are in-built with splitters, and the connection of the
ports can be done as shown in the figure above.