*NOTE: Once you have finished reviewing video in “Video Playback” Be sure to click STOP
to stop the video playback and EXIT PLAYBACK to end the connection to the device. You will
have to wait for about 10 seconds for the software to end the connection to the device. Once
that time has elapsed you will see the lower area (where the video snips would appear) will
turn white.
Step 1:
Make sure Remote Playback is selected.
Step 2:
Based on the capacity of your SD Card, you should
know how many days of history you should have. Select Day.
Step 3:
Select the vehicle you want to playback from the
dropdown menu. Next, select enter playback. Below choose
the channel you want to view or all channels. Then choose
the area of time you are looking for. After that you click
search. Snips of video will appear in the grey box below
where you can double click to start your download for
playback. Or you narrow down the “Play Start time” and
“Play End Time” within a chosen video below and click play.
Before you select a snip of video or play you can also record
what you are about to view by clicking in the check box next
to record.
The section to the left shown here will show you the start
time and end time of each video snip. This will allow you
to determine the duration of each video as well.
If you want to play the entire snip from start to finish,
simply double click the video snip.
Safety Track - 249 Main St. Belleville MI 48198 - 734-699-7633