For more information about our products visit our website!
Additional Safety Notice
Test the Voyager® with your child or client under supervision regularly. Do this especially if
there has been a long gap between use of the Voyager® or your client has grown or their
behaviour has changed.
Dismantling the Voyager®
To dismantle the Voyager® work in exact reverse order:
Remove the ballast bags and empty them.
Undo the rucksack corner clips around the poles.
Release the tension on the top corner straps.
Undo the oor pocket, remove and de- ate the mattress and re-do the oor zip.
Release the top metal buckles.
Dismantle the upright poles.
Neatly fold the Voyager® fabric so the net roof is as at as possible.
Dismantle and remove the corner pieces and base poles.
Roll the fabric up.
Pack it all away neatly into the 2 carry bags
Make sure the Voyager® is clean and fully dried before dismantling and storing it including the
ballast bags.
Over the years Safespaces have made changes in our designs. Please contact us if you have
any dif culties.