6. Working mode of the watch
Three basic working modes include normal mode, power saving
mode and real-time positioning mode. Upload interval is different
on different working modes.
Normal mode: upload interval is 10 minutes;
Power saving mode: upload interval is 1 hour;
Real-time positioning: upload interval is 1 minute.
7. Troubleshooting
1. Problem : Can not register an account
An error when entering ID (does not exist or is already registered).
Please contact us directly to resolve the issue on
and we will provide you with all the necessary technical supports.
2. Problem : The device is not connected to the Internet.
- Check whether your SIM card supports 2G network, for example
Telecom is not supportive, and data consumption fee inside.
-Use mobile phone text message to the watch: pw,123456,ts#,in
response you will receive SMS message with the specifications,
please contact us for support, then we immediately find the cause
and solution.