If the narrow end of the Finger Probe
CAN’T fit into the gap, a child will not be
able to insert their finger, and there is no
finger entrapment hazard.
Warning Stickers
The stickers are for use about your home to remind you, your family,
carers and visitors about best practice and to encourage them to ”think
safe”. Every home is different, so use your knowledge and common
sense to position these stickers where you think accidents are most
likely to occur in your home.
Teach your child to understand that a red triangle always means that
they should ”think safe”, whether they see the triangle home or when
they are out and about.
If the wide end of the Finger Probe CAN
fit into the gap, a child will be able to
insert and remove their finger safely, and
again, this is not a finger-trap.
If the narrow end of the Finger Probe CAN fit
into the gap, and the wide end CANNOT, then
a child could insert their fingers, move slightly
and then find it impossible to remove it. This
is a potential finger-trap, and children under
the age of 2 should not be allowed access.
Not Safe