Warranty conditions
In case of an occurring fault the company
SFM GmbH will provide the customer with
the following performances through the
authorized SFM-dealer (seller) within the
scope of its statutory warranty obligations:
1. Within a period of 24 months after the de-
livery of the scooter to the end customer
the company SFM GmbH will rectify
any defi ciencies caused by material or
man u fac tur ing faults through the autho-
rized SFM-dealer (seller) by repairing or
replacing the affected part ac cord ing to
the statutory warranty reg u la tions. SFM
GmbH may deny the re quest ed repair
or replacement of the faulty part if this
would only be pos si ble with dispropor-
tionately high costs. In this case SFM
GmbH may rec ti fy the defi ciency through
the au tho rized SFM-dealer (seller)
by ap ply ing the other possible type of
sub se quent fulfi llment. If both types of
sub se quent fulfi llment are only possible
with unproportionately high costs, SFM
GmbH may deny the sub se quent fulfi ll-
ment all together through the authorized
SFM-deal er (seller). The customer is
then entitled to legal claims. Replaced
parts pass over into the possession of
2. The installation of spare parts within the
scope of warranty does not extend the
warranty period that has started with the
date of delivery of the motorcycle.
3. The warranty does not cover normal
wear and tear caused by normal use as
well as wear and tear caused by inap-
propriate handling and inappropriate
use. Oxidation and corrosion are caused
by environmental infl uences and are also
not covered under warranty
4. Warranty claims lodged by the customer
will be rejected in case of: Manipulations
to the motorcycle, installation of a dif-
ferent exhaust system, changes to the
gearbox or secondary transmission ratio
and installation of accessories or spare
parts which have not been approved by
SFM. Repairs carried out in workshops
not authorized by SFM GmbH and the
non-compliance with the maintenance
intervals in the workshop of an autho-
rized SFM-dealer will also cause the
rejection of warranty claims.
5. When lodging a warranty claim the cus-
tomer must present the correctly fi lled in
service book to the seller.
6. The following table gives the customer
an overview of the average limits of the
respective wear parts: