Direct Hit on Feedback!
The FBX targets feedback without taking a big chunk out of your
sound. Tests prove that a single 1/3-octave EQ slider pulled down
12 dB removes almost half the power going to the speakers over
a two-octave range. And, as this illustration shows, you can't place
a graphic EQ filter precisely on the ringing frequency. When you
pull down multiple sliders in a normal setup (below), you end up
with giant holes in your music. On the other hand, FBX micro-filters
are 10 times narrower - you get back up to 90% of the power you
lose with a graphic EQ! That means more gain before feedback
and no loss in sound quality.
Frequency Response
Full Set-Up FBX Vs. 1/3 Octave Graphic Equal-
izer. Test procedure: A PA system was set up
using a microphone, mixer, FBX, power amp and
two speakers. The system's gain was raised
until the FBX removed nine feedback points.
Next, the FBX was replaced with a 1/3 octave
graphic EQ. The EQ was adjusted while the
system gain was raised to the same level
achieved with the FBX. The frequency response
curves of each device were then plotted.
World's Best Feedback Controller
Before the invention of the FBX, the most common device for controlling feedback was the 31-band graphic EQ. However, the
FBX has three distinct advantages. The most obvious is the FBX functions automatically, even during the program. Another is
the FBX micro-filters are precisely placed while EQ filters are fixed. The difference: FBX filters do not have to be as deep, so there
is more system gain. The most important advantage is that FBX micro-filters are ten times narrower than 31-band EQ filters.
FBX micro-filters return up to 90 percent of the power removed by EQ filters.
Over the years, engineers stopped using 12-band EQs in favor of the narrower-filter 31-band EQ for controlling feedback. The
FBX represents the next step. An EQ would need more than 10,000 sliders to be equivalent to your FBX. With the FBX-1020,
your monitors will finally sound loud enough, everyone in the audience will understand each word, and the mains will sound
natural and transparent.
Who Needs FBX?
Virtually every sound system will be improved with the FBX. Small bands that do not have sound technicians can now increase
their monitor volumes so they can hear themselves clearly and with full fidelity, without worrying if the program is going to be ruined
by feedback.
Auditoriums and churches of all sizes will enjoy reliable feedback control. Hotels and conference centers around the world can
offer meeting rooms with sound systems that won’t howl during programs. The FBX-1020 can be installed in theaters, schools,
sports arenas, courtrooms — anywhere multiple microphones are used. It can also be used for teleconferencing, intercoms
or interactive remote classrooms.
Why the FBX?
The simple beauty of the FBX is its ability to quickly and effectively eliminate feedback with narrower filters than ever before
possible. The FBX delivers superior sound quality automatically.
FREQUENCY RESPONSE: FBX 1/10-Octave Filter Vs.
1/3-Octave Graphic EQ Filter (12 dB depth; Log Scale).
FBX filter