SABB MOTOR 2HSP Скачать руководство пользователя страница 27

Содержание 2HSP

Страница 1: ...2fi Engine with controllable pitch propeller MODEL 2HG Engine with reversegear and solid propeller f MODEL2HSP Engine with fully feathering propeller c I t Jo SABB MOTOR1lJ BOX2728 5010 BERGEN NORWAY...

Страница 2: ...Lub Oil Engine Gearbox 17 1 Olanging Oil Filter 19 Greasing 19 FuelOiI OlangingFuelOiIFilter 24 Bleeding Fuel System 2S CleaningInjectorNozzles 26 CoolingWater Draining 28 FreshWaterCooling 29 Adjustm...

Страница 3: ...nratio 2 1 Piopellertorque 11 5kpm 83ft lb Rotation Left Piopellerdiaxpitch 2HG 16 xI4 Weight of engine lessstern gear 1 kg 419Ibs Max installationangle underpower 15degrees Valvestemclearance exandai...

Страница 4: ...e 12kpm 87ft lbs Rockerarmbolts 8kpm 58ft Ibs Bigendhearing Tensilock M12 12kpm 87ft Ibs Bigendhearing Tensilock M14 before 1972 17kpm 123 ft lbs F1ywheeIboIts TensilockM14 17kpm 123ft Ibs Found iron...

Страница 5: ...cover CdY be 17 Selfstarter s k rl tIt o l 18 Foundationiron nI f d 19 Startingcigarettesocket lo lr c y F 1A j 20 Decompressor clr v e H 1 21 Exhaustsilencer l i 1 CA c t rv 22 austflange 11 2 B S P...

Страница 6: in engineandclutchor reverse gearbox Page 17 18 4 Seacockopen pumpdraincocks 2 in No closed Impellerpumpcovertight if fitted page35 28 5 Freshwatercooledengines System filled with freshwateror wate...

Страница 7: ...the engineover rapidly until the decompressor closesand the engine starts Remove startinghandle 6 Whenthe enginebasstartedand is running evenly return the governorcontrol handleto apositiongivingasui...

Страница 8: 1 Unscrewbath cigaretteholders 2 2 Insert cigarettes 1 into holders 2 whiteendfust Replace hol dersandscrewfirmly home The cigarettes 7 trim are self igniting provided that they are dry 3 As an alt...

Страница 9: page10 Fig 8 IMPORTANT Forcontrollabiepitch andfully featheringpropellerstheclutchmustalways befully engaged whenmanoeuvring All manoeuvringshouldbe cloneusingthe propeller pitch controlandnotwith...

Страница 10: ...theengineat themaximumof 2250rpm Only if theboatis particularlyeasy to propelwill theuseof maximumrpm resultin higherboatspeed If theboatisusedfor fishing it is generallypreferableto usemaximumpitch w...

Страница 11: ...r are connected Remove the altemator drive belt before discon necting the battery 3 If the battery is to be charged trom an extemal source first disconnect bath battery terminals 4 When welding on boa...

Страница 12: ...4m 968 035 2 5 m H G 2H 2G 2J 1 Tempgiv 953 010 Temp send oot TitkobtingssBtt p m OI Engine cabte harness 968 035 H G 2HI 968 038 2G 2JI 12 35A ACGen 14 SEVJO2 297 22 re 964 003 t Gr nn Green 50ft 8ta...

Страница 13: ...emperaturesensorfitted in tbe port afterwall of the cylinderhead Tbe oil pressuregaugepipe is connected to tbe nipple on tbe starboard side forward of the governor cover Tachometer Electricallmpulse T...

Страница 14: ...ltem 17 Changeluelfilterelement 17 18 Bleed luel system 10 19 Clean injector nozzles I 19 20 Clean lill pump strainer 2g R 2IJ 21 Check or change 1111 pump dlaphragm 1 D Coollng woter 22 Drain coollng...

Страница 15: ...ankcase mainhearinghousingpro vide lubrication for crankshaft main hearingsandconnecting rod hearings A pulsedoil flow is alsofed via the camshaft 5 and the pipe 6 to tbe rocker arm hearingsbeforebein...

Страница 16: ...eOil Fina SolnaS3 TexacoUrsaS3 Gulfpride Series 3 Usethesameoil for clutch gearbox IMPORTANT If the enginebasbeenwholly or partly immersedin water all oil in the crankcaseand clutch housing or gearbox...

Страница 17: ...ap 1 andunscrewcap 2 Hold oil removalsyringe 2 with its flexible tube downin the sump Pumpoil out and into an emty cao 3 Placea mnnel in the filler openingand fi11with 4 litresof oil of thecorrectgrad...

Страница 18: ...BOX OIL at least annually The reverse gearbox holds 0 5 litres of lubricating oil 1 Unscrew dipstick Hold oilremoval syringe 2 with its flexible tube passing through the dipstick opening and down into...

Страница 19: ...dwith oil andfitted into the filter seating Screwon the filter by hand until the gasket is touching the sealing face TightenbyhandODe further hal turn Do nottightenusingtools Item 3 isthe oil pressure...

Страница 20: ...en I I washed out by contarninated sea water or strong current I etc In such cases the propeller should be greased with I specialsterngrease There are many good quality stern greasesbut they oR Fig 19...

Страница 21: ...g 2 shotswith greasegun 4 Propeller controllever 2 shotsevery50 100hoursrunning S Qutch lever 2shots every 50 100 hoursrunning Fig 21 11 GREASING OF GEARBOX SEALS Weekly The rear sealingrings 6 should...

Страница 22: ...oil to the shaft 3 and the starter pinion Turn the pinion to and from until it movesfreely in its track 4 Assembie and fit the starter Recon nect electricalleads and battery 13 Lubrication of Remote C...

Страница 23: ...or disengagedfully The drive key 2 can be replaced by unscrewing the setscrew 3 with a 3 8 socket spanner Anew drive keycanbe made from 1 4 x 1 4 x34 mm mild steel If the pump is not working properly...

Страница 24: ...reintact If the engineis startedwith the cock closedit will stop after a few minutesand bleeding will be necessary 17 CHANGING FUEL OIL FILTER 2 5 3 At least annually 1 Oasethefueltank cock 2 Unscrew...

Страница 25: ...s and operating hand pumping lever until the escaping oil is free of bubbles Fig 29 4 Retighten banjo nipple plug securely making sure that the base is not kinked during tightening NOTE Never unscrewt...

Страница 26: ...on the cylinderheadand secured bymeans of its balts 5 3 The nozzIesleeve 7 is unscrewedand the nozzlere moved The needle 11 should move freely in the nozzIe Nevertouchtheneedleitself but hold it by th...

Страница 27: ...nd fuel hose 8 from lift pump Remove se curingscrews 7 andwithdrawlift pumpfrom engine Oeanstrainerasin item 2 above 3 Loosenandremoveupperbody 3 or lift pump Checkthat the two valvesand thediaphragma...

Страница 28: ...tect the cooling water c annels a nd plpmg agamst electrolytic corrOSlon a Zlnc anode plug is fitted to the forward end of the silencer Page35 NOTE In particularly sandy waters the diaphragm pump can...

Страница 29: ...n the system Fig 35 Operation Until the cooling water bas warmed up the water flow is through the silencer cooling jacket channels out of the rear of the silencer and via the by pass pipe back to the...

Страница 30: ...eze solution After filling run the engine for 3 minutes to ensure thorough mixing When using glycol antifreeze it is not necessaryto drain the systembefore or after winter use or laying up provided th...

Страница 31: valvehousing 4 is mou 1ted on the coolingwaterpump n the left of the engIne If pumpeffectlveness ISreduced the cause maybe dirt underthe valves 3 vi 1 Oosethegatevalve 1 Openthedraincocks 9 2 8 2...

Страница 32: ...NG WATER DIAPRAGM asrequired 1 Oose gate valve Open drain cocks 7 and undo the pipe connections In the case of fresh water cooled engines drain oH the anti freeze into an emty can 2 Unscrew the nuts 3...

Страница 33: ...nd with draw pump housing 4 Remove 7 6 5 I 3 2 1 large diaphragm 3 and inner Fig 41 washer 2 5 Check bath diaphragms and renew if necessary Assembly 6 Diaphragm 10 with its markedsidefacinginwards is...

Страница 34: ...pass v pipe in blanked oH 5 Re assemble Ensure that the cor rect amount of anti freeze is added Fig 42 during topping up Oase the drain cocks 8 9 10 7 29 CHECKING THERMOSTAT 8 jJ 1974 Model J 11 1 Dis...

Страница 35: ...e In thecase of freshwatercooledengines top Fig 44 up with anti freeze 31 REPLACEMENT OFIMPELLER asrequired Thepumpisself priming andself lubricating andit requires nomaintenance apart fromreplacement...

Страница 36: ...grassetc that 2 mayheblockingthecoolerendaperatures and preventingeffectiveflow through the cooler 3 Re assemble in reverse order 6 5 4 3 1 I Checking tube cooler Fig 46 i If thelevelfalls abnormally...

Страница 37: ...Tensionthe belt 6 by movingthe alter 6 nator 1 upwards Tightenthe tensioning bolt 5 3 Checkthe tension When the tension is Fig 47 c rrect it shouldbepossibleto deflectthe belt about3 mm usingthumb pre...

Страница 38: ...nally by i f means of the set screw on the TeaTof the I h1 governor cover 3 1 R movethedomenut 1 U 2 Insert key 2 into hexegonal socket of idle setscrew 3 3 Adjust idling speedby turning set screw Scr...

Страница 39: ...beregulated bymeans of the Duts 3 on the two clutch f clamps 4 After tightening all theseDuts r by 1 6 turn check engage ment pressure by operating cl utch lever If the clutch is v then toa tight it m...

Страница 40: ...he I IJ r flywheel guard and on the flywheel single mark l i A 3 Insert valve clearance feeIer gauge 3 1 0 3 mm between rocker arm and valvestem Slackenoffnut 4 Usinga screwdriver setthe adjustingscre...

Страница 41: ...that the govemorcomponents caobemovedfreely If necessary wash themin fueloil If it is n cessary to renewthe govemor springs this cao nowbe dolle without removingthegovemoritself tc 3 Assembiegovemorco...

Страница 42: ...tarboardsideetc Torquesetting11kgm 79ft lbs 5 Fit rocker arm brackets torque setting8 kgm 58 ft lbs adjust valve clearances andfit rockercover 41 CLEANING CRANKCASE SUMP AND OIL STRAINER Once every 2...

Страница 43: ...theforwardendof the propellerbossand consists of threenylonrings two 2and3 to takethe aheadthrust andODe the centreoDe not shown totaketheasternthrust Pitch Control Stiff A If the pitch control is sti...

Страница 44: ...marked blade 7 is positioned with its tap block 5 engagedin the recess onthemarkedsideof the driveblock Onehalf of thepropellerboss 8 is thenfitted itl positionfrom theport sidein sucha waythat all th...

Страница 45: ...block and pro peller shaft Wait tor the volatile componentto evaporateand then apply LOCfITE 307 thinly and evenly to both threaded surfaces This is most easily done using a small clean paint brush Sc...

Страница 46: ...tdamageto the hall raceon the far sideof the seals Replacement of Oil Seals Gearbox Engines as required 1 7 1 Re ove dip tick 2 and pump out the Fig 59 lubncatlng 011 I 2 3 1 2 Remove theflangecouplmg...

Страница 47: ...60 1 The correct gear lever travel hom neutral A to ahead B or astem is approx 100mmo 44 CHECKING INJECTION PUMP as required The injection pump is rugged and reliable provided that the fuel Dil is cle...

Страница 48: pump and piping For seawater cooled engines flush cooling systemthrough with fresh water For fresh water cooled engineswith closed cooling system there is no need to drain provided that anti freeze...

Страница 49: ...rnator and regulator have been connected to thebartery Adjust V belttension Checkthat thereisfuelin thetank Drain off sediment Checkthat there is oil in engineand clutch or gearbox Greaseall nippies a...

Страница 50: ...over by h nd iOAfr F A P F4 e Al 3 ENGINE HARD TOLCRANK a Lubricatingoil toothick b Bentpropellershaft Checkalignmentat flangecoupling page49 s 1f 4 LACK OF POWER a Blockedfuelfilter Renew filter ele...

Страница 51: ...atingoil pipeleakage g Engineroomtoohot inadequate ventilation 11 ENGINE KNOCKING a Blockednomes Leak oHpipeblocked b Mechanicalfailure Checkvalves big endbearingsandgudgeon pins 12 ENGINEOVER REATING...

Страница 52: ...CODe lining wear Adjustwith shimsonclutchCODe forwardface page47 17 ENGINENOT RUNNING EVENLY ON BOTH CYLINDERS a Faultynozzle Change overor replace page26 b Valveleakage onODe cylinder page40 RECOMME...

Страница 53: ...SIDA ROSE BAY BOATSHOP Ranag0tu 29 Akureyri R R 1 Telephone 96 2 38 15 CYPRUS ROSE BAY N S BOJ 2XO STAR FIBER GLASS LTD SWEDEN Box 1989 SEYCHELLES IS ING FA G STA WARLIN AB NICOSIA Cyprus M A Rouillon...

Страница 54: ...enstre With reduction 2 1 reverse gear and 3 blade solid propeller lelt LH TYPE 2HEG Med reduction 2 1 reversgear og 3 bladet tast propeli heyre With reduction 2 1 reverse gear and 3 blade solid prope...

Страница 55: ...og ventiler Sl 2Hl lA B Det er fordelaktig a benytte samlegruppenei sterst mulig utstrekning NYTT DELENUMMERSYSTEM1979 I dennetrykking er det nye delenummersystemetgjennomfert Delens nummer etter gamm...

Страница 56: ...irl Chamber and ValvesSl 2HIIAB It is of advantage to order sparesto the Assembly Groups NEW PART NOS AFTER 1979 In this catalogue the new part no systemis completed Previous part nos are printed in b...

Страница 57: ...S BOJ 2XO 56 Kambar Drive SWEDEN Mulgrave ELL S MARIN THE EARLE FREIGHTING Victoria 3170 Box 6326 SERVICE LTD Telephone5472570 ti S 44080 Ell s Box 250 Telephones CARBONEAR Newfoundland 0304 50835 03...

Страница 58: ...g FreshWaterCooling H 43 Brennoljesystem Fuel System I 47 Elektrisk utstyr Electrical Equipment J 51 Regulatorf orlengelse Remote Governor Control K L 55 Tilkoblingssett Remote Control Adaptor Kit L 5...

Страница 59: ...I 0 0 11 0 18 r 4 Ol y 11 0 7 I 0 00 r 10 10 a COOl 0101 a a J I J CC i w rl k...

Страница 60: ...Frost plug 3 Propp ga1v 3 4 R 922a 516 041 1 Plug 3 4 BSP lt Kobberpakning 260 x 320 x 0 75 831 033 1 Copper washer 5 ProPP3 4 R 52C 1 Plug 3 4 BSP 6 Mutter M6 tid1 prev rt r 441 078 1 1 1 4 UNC 415d...

Страница 61: ...8 UNC 415g 441 011 Nut MlO VIPPEARMBRAKKET MEDVIPPEARMER Sl 2HJ4R ROCKER ARM BRACKET WIT ROCKERS Pos 25 26 27 28 29 JO Jl J2 J 25 Vippearmbrakket 2 J4R 2 Rocker arm bracket iP 26 Vippearmbo1t 2HJ4j 2...

Страница 62: ...ykke GJ4hL 4 Push rad foot 42 Venti11efterer 2GJ4h 4 Push rad 4J Toppstykke GJ4hk 4 Push rad top TOPPHETTE MED DEKOMPR HENDEL Sl 2H11F ROCKER COVERWITH DECOMPRESSOR Pos 50 52 5J 54 55 56 57 58 59 62 6...

Страница 63: ...69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 80 81 82 83 84 65 Lyddemper 2H21C 1 Si1encer 6k 66 Termostatnippel19 511 060 1 Thermostat nipp1e 67 Eksosf1enspakning 821v 814 035 2 Exhaust f1ange gasket 6S B1indf1ens vann...

Страница 64: ...89 T s1angenippe1 T piece PVC 519 002 1 90 Av1uftingss1ange 1 2 x 265 841 085 1 Manifo1d topphette Breather base 91 Slangestuss 1 2 x 160 841 084 1 Manifo1d startstativ Hose d 92 Innsugningsdemper me...

Страница 65: ...B S J2 21 I 26 7 7 r 1 3 V r fT...

Страница 66: ...g 0 0 4 Spesia1fj r o1jeskrapering 2H32 003 2 J 01 Special oil con trol ring 01 g 6 Kryssbo1t H32P 2 00 Gudgeon pin 01 c 0 6 7 Seegerring 35 1 732a 734 034 4 Circlip c O c VEIVSTAKE MEO DEKSEL FORING...


Страница 68: ...i 1 0 I I i V 0 1 Cl i r f t U...

Страница 69: ...LTS LUB OIL FILTER AND FLYWHEEL COMPLETE Pos Alle unntatt A11 except 18 19 bak rear 75 77 78 79 80 81 90 91 92 9J 1 Veivhus 2H22AC 1 Cranlccas e 2 Propp 1 4 m 6 kant hull 516 010 1 Plug 4a Fundamentje...

Страница 70: ...d nut 0 40 23 B01geskive 13 x 2 x 1 2 725 004 8 Washer 25 Veivhus1uke 2H22Db 1 Crankcase cover 26 Veivhus1ukepakning l S mm 822n 815 009 1 Crankcase cover gasket 27 Hodeskrue M8 x 20 tid1 prev 5 16 UN...

Страница 71: ...WASHER MAIN HEARING AND OIL SEAL Pos 43 44 45 46 55 43 La erf 1ens 2H23LC 1 I iain bearin housin 44 Ramme1agerf oring 622h 62 i 016 1 Main bearing 45 Veivakse1thrustskive 723cc 723 003 2 Crankshaf t...

Страница 72: ...33k 437 041 437 095 2 62 Mutter M6 tid1 prev 1 4 441 029 441 076 2 Nut 65 Kamakse1 2H36k l Camshaf t 66 Ki1e 8 x 7 x 40 434e 451 003 1 Key 71 Nedre vipparamsmererer komp1 6221 s1 612 0331 Rocker 1ub o...

Страница 73: ...1 81 Overgangsforskruning M10x1 4 R BSP 513 015 1 Reducing murf for pos 12 page 77 90 Lensepumpejern 2H47p 1 Bi1ge pump retainer 91 Hodeskrue MlO x 25 432 009 4 Bolt 92 Hodeskrue M12 x 40 tid1 prev 1...

Страница 74: ...j c Ol IO 0101 i I It t e _ V l 1 I i I 2 CO I I r...

Страница 75: ...OVERNOR COVER 1 Pumpekasse 2H34AD 1 c Gear housing iCC ti i 2 Pr opp 3 8 R 922t b 516 045 1 ll Plug 3 8 BSP F 3 Pumpekassepakning 834e 813 054 1 Gear housing gas ket c 4 Propp 523k 516 031 1 Plug 5 O...

Страница 76: ...D 1 Eccentric ring water pump drive 21 Riflepinn 12 x 32 454 009 1 Dowe1 22 Kulelager SKI 6206 934c 911 026 1 BalI hearing 23 Skimring 734e 741 037 Shim 24 Sikringsskive 784b 725 013 1 Lock washer 25...

Страница 77: ...artpal G35i 1 Starting paw1 47 Startpalbolt L G35j 1 Pin starting paw1 50 Kamakse1fjmr 736j 7f1 018 1 Spring camshaft 51 Aksia11ager SKF 51101 936j 914 016 1 Thrust hearing camshaft 52 Fiberpakning 33...

Страница 78: ...OLJEPUMPE KOMPLETT S2 2H45A LUB OILGEAR PUMP COMPLETE Pos s 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 70 01jepumpehus m foringer S1 2H45A Oi1 pump body w bushes 71 Foring 1415 G1acier 645x 622 016 1 Bush oi1 p...

Страница 79: ...artstativ underde1 2H35K 1 Starting bracket 86 Startstativ overdel 2H35L 1 Starting bracket cap 87 Hodeskrue no x 45 tidl prev 3 8 UNCx 1 3 4 431c 432 045 432 031 2 Bolt 88 0vre startstativpakning 835...


Страница 81: ...ont start axle fore end 121 Mutter 1 2 562b 514 014 1 Nut 125 Frontstartspindel 2H 35M 1 ron t start shaft 126 0vre startkjedehjul H35n 1 Starting sprocket upper 127 Startspinde1fjrer 735L 711 016 1 S...

Страница 82: ...r Q 1 A ti Cl 1 Ol 10 I t lI j 1 1 1 tB I IJl 0 111 L C IQ IQ O 0 H ti p 0 111 m el I C 0 IO C r 0 W 111 0 10 UJ...

Страница 83: ...447c 432 064 432 011 4 Bolt 5 Hodeskrue M8 x35 tid1 prev 5 16 UNCx 1 1 2 435b 432 061 432 017 2 Bolt 0 6 Rif1epinn 6 x 32 tidl prev 1 4 x 1 1 4 421a 454 012 454 008 2 Grooved pin 7 Settskrue MlO x 10...

Страница 84: ...epinn 36 mm G43sc 2 Sleeve pin 23 Sp1int 1 16 x 3 8 743w 713 01S 4 Split pin 24 L sestreng l Ss Lock wire REGULATORARM MED TOMGANGSFJER KOMPL Sl 2H43mb GOVERNOR ARM w IDLING SPRING COMPL Pos 30 31 32...

Страница 85: ...11hd 452 009 1 Handle 51 Regu1eringsakse1kjedn 971sb 931 018 931 025 1 Chain SZ Kjedefeste1edd G11s 1 Chain fork 53 Koppskrue M5 x 10 tid1 prev 3 16 UNCx 3 8 472a 431 028 431 007 1 Set scre 54 L sepin...

Страница 86: ...F 10 27 17 0 4 6 0 2 3 19 a 13 12 1 22 21_20 23 A lfo A 2 31 lt 32 I 49 31 t i c I 30 I i iv J I I c 1 G5 coei f i 4 i MT 18 38 36 35...

Страница 87: ...S FRESH WATER COOLED ENGINE Pos Som ovenf or men pos 23 erst av pos 24 The same as above but pos 23 is rep1aced by pos 24 1 Kje1epumpehus G42NB 1 Water pump housing 2 Avtappingskran 52jb 2 Drain cock...

Страница 88: ...2 Spring pressure 17 Ta11erkenventil 52e 2 Disc va1ve 18 Vannventilhus 52a 1 Water valve housing 19 Vannventilsete 52b Water valve Beat 20 Albupakninc 21 TUD 0 9 mm ass 852b 831 020 1 Joint washer 21...

Страница 89: ...MPLETT BUNNINNTAK MT 18 PARTS FOR SEA WATER INLET COMPLETE Pos 35 6 8 40 41 S3 62a 35 Bunnsi1 62a 1 Sea cock strainer Ij ol g 36 Skive 762b 721 054 2 Washer 38 Mutter 1 2 R 562b 541 014 1 0 Nut JI 40...

Страница 90: ...0 0 N I N 3 Uo C Q Qj Q Qj 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 P x Q 0 lC al QJ QJ 1 lij 111 J I I ip N OO c ol CQInInIn L V ID M In I CV I...

Страница 91: ater 2 Membranskrue for ekstra pumpe G42rb 1 Diaphragm screw for extra pump 3 Membran 70 mm 842ff 851 005 1 Diaphra m 4 Membran mellom skive 742fc 726 009 1 Diaphrar m spacer 5 Avtappingskran 525 1...

Страница 92: ...66 2 tid1 prev 5 16 UNC 415e 441 044 Nut M8 25 Propp 52c 1 Prop 26 Trykkfjmr 752b 711 026 2 Sprin pressure 27 Ta11erkenventi1 52e 2 Disc va1ve VANNVENTILKOMPLETT MEDENKELALBU S2 52A WATERVALVE CO IPL...

Страница 93: ...s 1 2 x 110 841 026 1 Hose 44 Rerstuss 1 2 642e 611 054 1 Pipe bend 45 F1ensrin 711c 721 026 1 Pipe collar 47 Trykkrer komp1ett 623i 611 049 1 Water pipe pump cyl block 55 Hodeskrue 1 110x 35 tid1 pre...

Страница 94: ...H 3 8 2 fJi 5 I 0 I 6 4 1 7 21 _ ti 22 f 171 1 I oW 9 20 S 18 3 10 11 I I I 14 I 15 I lC U FRESH WATER PUMP g 1 23 ing A L pos 6S 24 2 2 27 20 21 2 I I 3 I I I i_ 31 26 32 28 J 33...

Страница 95: ...EEL COOLER COMPLETE Pos A11 t rom 1 to JJ 1 Ferskvannsbeholder 2H69A 1 Fi esh water tank 2 Propp ga1v J 4 R 922a 516 041 1 Prop J 4 ESP J Propp ga1v 1 2 R 911a 516 0J9 1 Prop 1 2 ESP 4 Nippel 1 2 R 51...

Страница 96: ...611 019 PIPE COMPLETE Pos 17 21 22 Rerstuss 1 2 x lSO 611 019 1 Pipe RETURSLANGE KOMPLETT S 86geb Sl 841 0J RETURN HOSE COMPLETE Pos 18 20 2 stk pcS 21 23 18 Returs1ange 1 2 x 900 841 0J9 1 Return hos...

Страница 97: ...1 Foring Cor festek1emme 853 003 10 lJush for c1amp 32 Festek1emme 744 004 5 C1amp 33 Festeskrue B12 x 19 469c 435 009 17 Screw Pos 29 30 31 32 33 MT 4 Se side See page H 43 8RENNOLJESYSTEM Fortsettel...

Страница 98: ...f...

Страница 99: ...JD INJECTOR HOLDER CO PLETE Pos 4 6 7 8 9 4 Dyseho1der Bosch 0 4J2 297 025 Injector ho1deF S G5JD 6 Dysemutter Bosch 2 4JJ J14 025 Nozz1e nut 7 Rerti1kob1 m fi1t Bosch 2 4JJ J57 OJJ G5Jdk 1 Inj nipp1e...

Страница 100: ...bolt w gasket 31 Lurteskrue ror brenno1jeri1ter 967j 1 Bleeder screw rue1 rilter 32 Lurtskruepakning 10x6x1 867j 831 036 1 Fibre joint 33 Filterhuspakning 867a 826 020 1 Gasket r rilter bowl 34 Brenn...

Страница 101: ...kompl forreste S 653ba Injection pipe fore complete 55 Innspr rsr kompl akterste S 653bb Injection pipe rear complete BRENNOLJETANK MEDKRANER 42 LITER FUEL TANK WITH GOCKS STAINLESS ST Pos 60 61 62 63...

Страница 102: ...Q t I UI In 1...

Страница 103: ...A Max 750W Code AC 12 55 ALTERNATOR ARRANGEMENT 29 Vekselstremsdynamo med regulator 12V 35A S E V 702 301 12 samt remskive mutter og kile 964 021 1 Alternator Ulith regulator pulley key and nut 29A Re...

Страница 104: ...i1ge 46 Hodeskrue MlO x 20 tid1 prev 3 BUNC 432 009 4 Bolt 47 Ki1erem Rofan 3915 96B d 932 041 1 V belt 50 Startes itch mBd nakkeI Bosch 0 342 309 006 968jd 966 019 l Starter s itch ith key SOA G1ades...

Страница 105: ...55 025 6 Starteswitch Starter switch 966 019 Kabelsetf fronstrumentb 7 GI0destarteswitchi 1lf Instrument pG lel hamess Glowstarter switch 966 018 8 Timeteller 12V IHourmeter 954 042 4m 968 037 9 Blind...

Страница 106: ...Q E 1 1 I T r co I W lt Lu J I tJl I f I V 1 1 J Lu x C I Q 1 1 x C I I g C I I x C I...

Страница 107: ...ack screw 5 Hendelbolt 72yb Handle shaft 6 Linse sy1inderskrue M6 472i 472i 1 Handle screw 8 Fjmrskive 772h 1 Spring asher 9 Hendel 72e Handle 10 Kule 911i 971 007 1 Dall lJ St ltr d 770 mln 2H 2HG 77...

Страница 108: ...7 6 5 7 9 8 I I i r l i r j i A R J A 0 0 I r I I I 3 L t j tr r f I J A J ti I J _ S A j r I 1 2 14 f i tr t 1 1 j A i i i l I I 1 1 V I 7 Oi 4 j 4 r r i h i I t r k Jp j e l I I I V y I 9 8 5 6 i 3...

Страница 109: ...rol 2 Regulatorhendel 2H72 0D3 1 Governor handle 3 Hodeskrue MB x 75 432 017 2 r Bol t I 4 Distansehy1se 15 x 11 x 10 626 015 2 Sleeve 5 Klemme G72j 2 C1amp 6 Shim F720m 2 7 Sporskrue M5 x 12 431 045...

Страница 110: ...Pos 21 22 22 Man0vermekanisme Teknoflex F 723 972 048 Contra mechanism 23 Kontrollkabel Betj lengde 2 meter 972 005 Betj lengde 3 meter 972 007 Betj lengde 4 meter 972 008 Betj lengde 5 meter 972 012...

Страница 111: ...2 Regulatorhendel 2H72 003 1 Governor handle 3 Hodeskrue M8 x 75 432 017 2 Bolt 4 Distansehylse 15 x 11 x 10 626 015 2 sleeve 5 Klemme G72j 2 Clamp 6 shim F72Dm 2 7 sporskrue M5 x 12 431 045 4 screw 8...

Страница 112: ...s 21 22 22 ManBvermekanisme Teknoflex F 723 972 048 Control mechanism 23 Kontrollkabel Betj lengde 2 meter 972 005 Betj lengde 3 meter 972 007 Betj lengde 4 meter 972 008 Betj lengde 5 meter 972 012 C...

Страница 113: ...1 Impe11erpumpe 3 B type F4B M4 947 D03 1 Impe11er pump 2 Ki1erem pumpe Rof 3225 96BlI f 932 043 1 I V belt pump i Ki1erem pumpe og dynamo 9 5 x 1375 La Rof 7450 932 0D5 1 V belt pump and alternator 3...

Страница 114: ...c OI 11 IO Ol e f i 10...

Страница 115: ...tud Q 5 Mutter n2 441 072 4 O t Nut LL 1 1 6 Koblingshuspakning 882q 813 081 1 Q 0 Clutch housing gasket ClCJ E 7 Hodeskrue MlO x 25 tidl prev 3 8 0 UNC x 25 421L 432 029 432 128 5 Cl Bolt Verb tensil...

Страница 116: ...ENDLER KOMPL S3 2H83A CONTROL BRAKKET COMPL W HANDLES Pos 14 25 28 29 30 31 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 26 27 25 Omstyringsbrakket 2H83A 1 Control braket 26 Omstyringsbrakket pakning 883a 813 086 1 Control b...

Страница 117: ...him 46 Mutter 176k 3 R 4l5g 441 011 4 Nut KOBLINGSA11M MED KLEMME RULL SKIVE OG MUTRE Sl B82hc CLUTCH ARM WITH CLAMP ROLL SHIM AND NUTS Pos 44 45 46 47 48 47 Koblingsarm B82hc 2 Clutch arm 48 ob1ingaa...

Страница 118: ...skrue 1 2 Iv 482i 4 4 014 2 Set scre square head 0 67 Pinn 6 x 60 784v 456 024 1 Lock pin 00 I 0 68 F1enskob1ingsskrue M8 x 25 4 2 02 4 00 F1a ge coup1ing bolt r Mutter M8 Nut 441 066 4 r I Koblingsk1...


Страница 120: ...os 14 42 55 56 57 59 61 55 SP Akterste kob1ingsde1 sammen med pos 42 G82BC 1 SP Rear clutch part ith pos 42 61 SP Glidebolt 87 mln J Btk glidebo1t 65 mm 82Ld 82Lf 1 SP Sliding bolt 87 mm J pCB slid bo...

Страница 121: ...S 1 a co q o co I I I...

Страница 122: ...neskrue M12 x 25 437 108 4 Stud 6 l jmrskive 722 0Q5 4 Lock rasher 7 Mutter M12 441 072 4 Nut 8 Akterste fundamentjern fast gumm H84Qp 2 Rear mounting bracket so1id rubber 9 Propp 1 4 R B 5P S 584b 51...

Страница 123: seal i th dust lip 21 Tetningsringhylse 682re 626 02 1 Sleeve FORR FLENSKOBLIKG M SLITEHYLSE Sl H84 003 FRONT COUPL FLANGE W SLEEVE Pos 21 22 22 Forreste f1enskobling H84vb H84 00 1 Front coupling...

Страница 124: ...heel 35 Seegerring 80 I 783d 734 048 2 Circ1ip 36 Ku1e1ager SKF 6010Z 983db 911 039 2 DalI hearing 37 Seegerring 50A 782b 734 0117 1 Circ1ip ir 38 Gearhuspakning 882q 813 081 1 Gear housing gasket 39...

Страница 125: ...54 5eegerring 25A 784L 734 049 2 Circlip 55 O ring SOR10 19 5x25 2x3 884L 821 056 1 O ring 56 Gummiskive 250 x 3 884a 826 031 1 Rubber 250 x 2 826 030 1 washer 250 x 1 826 032 1 57 Riflepinn 60 x 20...

Страница 126: ...os 82 83 84 85 87 82 F1enskob1ing 25 mm 2H84GR H84 004 1 Coup1ing f1ange 83 Settskrue 1 2 W 482j 434 015 4 Set screllJ 84 F1enskob1ingsskrue MlO x 30 tid1 prev 3 8UNCx 1 1 4 484c 432 090 432 013 4 Bol...

Страница 127: 7 Man0verdeksel NeedIehearingring Cover 2H84 005 1 27 Nalelagerkrans 8 Man0verdekselpakn Neeedlehearingcage Cover gasket 813 010 28 Distansering Spacer 9 Deksel Cover 2H84 004 1 29 Shim etter beho...

Страница 128: ...skruem 6K hulll 47 Manevergaffel Fork Socketheadscrew 48 Medbringerstift Pin M8X Z0 433 024 49 L sestift Lockpin 71 50 Trykkfjrer Press spring 51 RuII Roller 72 52 FjrerISpring 53 Maneverhendell 73 Op...

Страница 129: ...N N N X C...

Страница 130: ...os l 2 3 4 5 6 B 9 l3 PROPELL KOMPLETT S5 2H91AC 2H PROPELLER COMPLETE Pos Alle unntatt All except 5 21 22 23 24 1 Propellhode 2H9l C Propeller boss 2 Bosskrue MlO x 30 433 003 2 Boss screll 3 Fj rski...

Страница 131: ...E Ving tap block E 0 0 15 Hylser0r 33 x 450 mm std 891h 1 Stern tube 330 x 550 mm 891hd 1 330 x 700 mm 891he 1 x 330 x 850 mm 891hf 1 c 330 x 1000 mm 891hg 1 00 HYLSEPAKK80KS KOMPLETT Sl 2H91F8 STUFFI...

Страница 132: ...ROPELLHOoE MEO SP VINGER 480 S3 2H91AB SP PROPELLER BOSS W Sp BLADES 480 DIA Pos 1 2 3 5 4 SP Propellvinge 450 mm dia stand 2H91BE 2 SP Propeller blade stand 5 SP Propellvinge 480 mm dia ekstra 2H91BH...

Страница 133: ...Ol I c Q I t I...

Страница 134: 2H92ef 1 25B x 4000 mm 2H92eg 1 5 Propel1ki1e 6 x 6 x 40 rustfri 451 014 1 Shaft key stain1ess steel STEVNFLENS KOMPLETT FOR FASTPROPELL Sl 2H92C STERN BEARING COMPL FOR SOLIO PROP FETTSMURT GREAS...

Страница 135: ...4 982b 517 020 1 Greaser cup 20 Hylserer 33e x 450 mm std B91h 1 Stern tube 33e x 550 mm B91hd 1 33e x 700 mm B91he 1 33e x 850 mm B91hf 1 33e x 1000 mm 891hg 1 HYLSEFETTKOPP KOMPLETT 64Ab Bb 64 DOI...

Страница 136: ...0 c...

Страница 137: propelI 16 x14 x25 Heyre 2H92BO 1 3 blade propeller 16 x14 x25 RH 2 Propellmutter 2H920 2H92 003 1 Propeller nut 3 Settskrue MB rustfri 434 02B 1 Set screw 4 Propellaksel 25e x 2000 mm 2H92ec 1 Pro...


Страница 139: ...d gasket 1 2 mmo 814 008 2 Eksospakning Exhaust Ilange gasket 814 035 821 v 1 Eksosvannpakning Exhaust water gasket 814 036 821va 1 Regulatorluke pakning Governor cover gasket 813 055 8341 1 Vannventi...

Страница 140: ...0vre startstativpakning Gasket starting bracket cap 813 046 835b N 0 1 Pumpellenspakning Pump flange gasket 813 066 842c 1 Pumpehuslokkpaknlng Gasket 011pump cover 812 019 845a 2 Dysepakning Nozzle j...

Страница 141: ...11B end P 15 F c I i I i 1 Koblingshuspakning Clutch housing gasket 882q 813 081 I i 1 Gearhuspakning Gearbox housing gasket 813 009 i 1 Man0verdekseipakning Manoeuvre flan ge gasket 813 010 I 2 O Ri...

Страница 142: ...4 s c c L co 0 c E...
