R60 Station
R60 User Manual
Document Number
7000 120-019
Page 73 (98)
Parameter Description
Include – Messages originating from vessels with MMSI numbers in
the range from First to Last of any of the include ranges are the only
ones considered for repetition. Messages originating from any other
MMSI will not be repeated.
Exclude – Messages originating from vessels with MMSI numbers in
the range from First to Last will not be repeated, unless they are also
in an include range.
If one or more filters use the exclude setting, while no filter is
defined to use the include setting, then all messages originating from
any MMSI number other than the listed exclusions will considered
for repetition.
First MMSI number in the range (inclusive).
Last MMSI number in the range (inclusive).
To define a range equal to a single MMSI number simply set the Last
to be the same as First.
Table 6-14 – Parameters for the Repeater – MMSI Filter category page
Configure > Repeater > Area filter
This category contains parameters used to define area filtering. Up to 16 areas can be
defined. Exclude areas are areas from which no repetition is made, those areas only
define a geographical region. Include areas on the other hand also defines a number of
additional filter criteria, SOG, COG, navigational status and more, see Table 6-15.
When determining which area to use for filtering of a particular message the position
in the message is used (if it is a position message), otherwise the last known position
for the vessel is used. Position messages without a valid position are never repeated.
Exclude areas have higher priority than include areas, this means if a vessel is inside
both an include area and an exclude area, the exclude area takes precedence and
messages from the vessel are not repeated.
A message from a vessel which is not inside any area is not repeated, the vessel must
be in at least one include area for it to be considered.
Once an include area has been determined all the filter parameters of the area are
checked. For a message to be repeated all the enabled filters must be passed. See
Table 6-15 for information on how the individual area filters work.
If multiple include areas match the vessel position the message must pass all those
areas’ filters to be repeated.
The settings for Repeater – Area Filter are described in the table below:
Area Index
1 – 16
16 independent filter areas can be defined. Which area number
(index) to define settings for is selected in this window by simply
clicking on the desired index number.