The fuel system has to be primed before initial starting,
after fuel filter change, if the fuel system has been
disconnected, or if the engine has run out of fuel and stops.
Start the priming at the water separator.
1. Loosen the vent plug on top of the separator and let the
fuel flow until no air is left.
Re-tighten the vent plug.
2. Release the bleed screws at the fuel oil filter. Start at
the inlet side and proceed at the outlet side.
Pump with the fuel lift pump lever until no further air
bubbles are left in the fuel oil. Tighten priming screws.
3. The fuel return line from the fuel oil filter is connected
to the nozzle leak off lines and is led back to the fuel
Continue pumping for 5-6 strokes to prime the fuel
injection pump supply.
NOTE. It is of the greatest importance for trouble-free per-
formance that no air has access to the fuel system.
Make therefore sure that all connections, particularly on the
suction side, are properly tightened.
The engine should be allowed to cool down for some time before
coolant level check.
Be careful when removing the coolant filler cap when the
engine is warm.
Use a rag to protect against scalding.
If necessary, fill up with clean fresh water/anti freeze
mixture. If the engine has extra header tank, the coolant
level is always checked in the upper tank.