S2 Yachts 8.0 B Скачать руководство пользователя страница 31

Содержание 8.0 B

Страница 1: ...IS C IS E fn CD C 0...

Страница 2: ...ou the maximum of use and sailing plea su re while aboard your 82 Yacht Please let me includ e this persona l no ta tion When I started this Comparry I set as my qoe l to provide you ou r c us to mer...

Страница 3: ...i I I I I...

Страница 4: ...nt by point che ck off sheet of the s teps requ ired to commi s sion you r boat Your Wa rranty and Boat Wa rran ty Regi s tra tion form ha s been placed in the pocke t in the fro nt cove r of your Own...

Страница 5: ...inish O K Interi or finish O K Upho ls te ry clean and fitted Mas t c lean and comple te Thru hull valves c losed All bond s O K WITH BOAT IN WATER No leaks thru ehulls s ha ft log rudder post No leak...

Страница 6: ...s O K Rigging inc luding toggle s co rrect le ngth All mast lights w ork before stepping Check steering OPERATION BEFQRE STARTING ENGINE Check engine manufact urer s ins truct ion book Check prop shaf...

Страница 7: ...nu t WATER TEST BOAT Inst a ll any hardware to be in s tall ed by commissio ner 0 Runn ing sta nd ing ri ggi n g installed and tuned 0 Owne r s packet acc e ssory literature ready for owner 0 Warrant...

Страница 8: ...n and fin i sh O K Inte ri or finish O K Uphols te ry cle an and fit ted Ma s t c lean and co mp lete Thru hull va lv e s c los ed All bonds O K WITH BOAT IN WATER No leaks thru hull s sha ft loq rud...

Страница 9: ...ing i nc lud in g to gg le s co rre c t length All ma s t li gh t s work be fore step pin g Che ck steering OPERATION BEFORE STARTING ENGINE Ch e ck eng ine manufa cturer s instru cti on boo k Ch eck...

Страница 10: ...ut WATER TEST BOAT Ins ta 11any ha rdwa re to be Inata lled by commiss ioner 0 Run n ing sta nd ing rig gi ng install ed and w 0 Owne r s packet a ccess ory literature rea dy for ow ner D Warranty car...

Страница 11: ...n 0 82 Yac h ts is va lida te d by th e re tu rn of th e J Wa rr an ty Re g is tr a tio n Card wi th in fifte en 15 da ys from dat e of co mmi s sion or deli very J oJ 2 Wa rran ty c laims c an only b...

Страница 12: ...T IONS L a A D W L Beam Draft Di s plac e men t Balla s t Le ad Sail Area Ma st Hei ght abov e D W L Head Room Coc kp it Length approximate 26 Af t 26 0 21 5 8 0 2 I 5 4 60 0Ibs I 800 lb s 282 sq It 3...

Страница 13: ...Aft 26 Mid Main Genoa 140 Working Jib 80 Spinnaker Da cron Luff Foot Leach Area 51 4 oz 25 00 9 20 26 33 120 sq ft 5 oz 30 50 17 75 27 75 24 4 sq ft 5 oz 25 75 1l 33 20 95 119 sq ft 3 oz 630 sq ft r...

Страница 14: ...bac kst a y brida l so th e si n g le backst ay turn buc k le will be a t ta c hed to the af t chain plate SPREADERS To in stall the sp readers insert them into th e I s preade r brack e ts w hic h ar...

Страница 15: ...e and a ft o f th e si d e chain pla te TURN BUCKLES r r r r Before the ma st is to be st ep ped mak e s ure that a ll of th e turn bu ckle s are at the ir lon ge st ad ju s tme nt Pinning the tu rnb...

Страница 16: ...areas of chafe Lash the cover tightly to the cra d le avoiding any metal grommets in c ont a c t with the ge lcoa t VENTIlATION Try to le ave some openings 1 0 1cove r so the boat can get air during...

Страница 17: ...bu t mast can be stepped from eith er bow or st ern This is a good time to make sure all of the turn buckles ar e fully extended If they are I the mast is ready to be raised Once the mast ha s been r...

Страница 18: ...l s and tr im the boat for a wi de vari e ty of wi nd and weather conditio ns so tha t the boa t sails herae If Letting the bo at sail her self is one impor tan t aspec t o f saili ng a s ho a l dra f...

Страница 19: ...ENGTH WIRE SIZE 1 x 19 x D iame te r Hea dstay Backstay 3 1 3 4 32 10 3 4 3 16 3 16 Uppers LENGTH 29 5 1 2 WIRE SIZE x 19 x Diame te r 3 16 LENGTH N WIRE SIZE 1 x 19 x Diamete r Fwd Lowers Aft Lowers...

Страница 20: ...Main Jib Spmnak er Pole LIft 30 65 35 60 40 I S 3 B 3 S 3 8 3 R SHEETS Le ngth Size Dla Main Jib Spinnaker Geno a 35 35 GO 35 3 S 3 8 3 B 3 8 M ISCELLANE O US Length Siz e Dia J Outhau l Trave ler Li...

Страница 21: ...81 AmP j ra ven lAMP Only w lh Qpll ona ll nbo lrd r ll ine l lAMP wit h OpU a l Sink Only SWITCHING PANELfor 1l0 11 5 V oll A C Dock lda Pow r ICpU l Syotem SWITCHING PANtl lor 12 1011D C Syu GROUN...

Страница 22: ...de ls equi pped with Inboar d II power or if battery was in stalled at th e factory Thi s swit ch is us ed for a ma in di s conn ect for all the l Z v o lt system OFF po sitio n or a s a par a llel sw...

Страница 23: ...loca ted at th e stern These mus t be used whe n sai ling afte r da rk 4 Ma s t He ad Lite ThiS sw it c h co ntro ls a 12 vo lt white lite mid wa y up the mast to be used onl y when boa t is under po...

Страница 24: ...c aution will help gu ard agains t ba tte ry drain Alwa ys u se el e c tric al powe r sp ar in gly to con se rve t he Ba ttery Cha rg e All c irc uit s ar e of 16 ga uge wi re and colo r coded in a fc...

Страница 25: ...circuits on This must be in ON po sition when r the o ther ci rcuits and s hou ld be in when your boat is left un a tten d ed r 1 Rec epticals Thi s switch supplies power to all recepti ce Is in cab i...

Страница 26: ...o battery sy stem turn the battery disconnec t switch to th e 1 2 or BOTH positipn This switch w i ll s el e c t the batt ery of yo ur choice or if nec es sary both batteries 2 RUN THE BILGE BLOWER FO...

Страница 27: ...co ckpit 9 As soon engi ne s ta rts pus h choke a ll the way in 10 Turn off bi lge blow er 11 Wi th eng in e a t idl e ch eck oil pre s sur e and batt ery cha rge 12 Check exh aust outl et to be su r...

Страница 28: ...in p la ce to prevent fore ign substances from enteri ng the tanks i e sand or wa ter I I Before Opening the Fuel Fill Cap A Extinguish all open flames aboard inc luding galley equipment B Forbi d a l...

Страница 29: ...nt openi ng to be su re th a t no fue l is being di s ch arged at thi s point 6 Open wid e a ll hatches door s I and wi nd ows 7 Your bo at wit h it s inboard eng ine ha s be en equipped with th e pro...

Страница 30: ...nti ng are a is n ot des igned for the add it iona l loa ding s end stress t Before starti ng yc ur outb oa rd motor be su re it i s secur ely clamped on th e ou tboar d brac ke t and pla ced in th e...

Страница 31: ...rd including gall ey equipment D Forbil I all smo king 0 boa rd or on the fuel dock Drown a ll c igare tt e or c igar butts E Tum off all elec tr ica l swit c he s to be sur e there Is no live electri...

Страница 32: ...usti b le fume s This re gu la ti o n ha s been re vi s e d and upda ted period ica lly and it is rec ommended th at you ch ec k w it h y our deale r to ins ure prop er ve nt fle tton for the s tora g...

Страница 33: ...25 en E Q en en C c 0 0 E J 0 l I I z l...

Страница 34: ...tempera tures are ex pec ted th e enti re sys te m s houl d be dr aine d with spec ial preca ution S bein g taken with th e water tank t Water tan k may be drain ed by remov ing water suction tu be an...

Страница 35: ...he ck va lve r I 2 6 AFT COCKPIT r The s tai n le s s st e el sin k dra in s dire ctl y in to the dra in du c t and overboar d thr oug h trans om openin g rr eliminating the need for va lve s as no wa...

Страница 36: ...sink drains ove rboard and is equipped with a safety shu t off va lve BILGE PUMP Your 26 Aft is eq uipped with a man ual bilge pum p as standa rd equ ipment It is locat ed in the s tar bo ard cock pi...

Страница 37: ...o t look very neal but it incr eases ventilat ion an d a llows eve ry th ing to air out Any time thi ngs jret wet with salt water rins e off with FRESH WATER as soon as possible and let dry thoroughly...

Страница 38: ...p th e s lots ALCOH OL STO VE r r r r r r r tri m head it wi ll r r r r An alcoho l stove is the most common ins ta lla tion on boats because it bums clea n and ha s mini ma l fumes and an a lcohol fl...

Страница 39: ...f I H n 0 c I n 0 DC...

Страница 40: ...oat 1s known as ge lc oat a polyeste r resin into which co lor ing pigm ents and weather ing retardants have been incorpo rat ed It shou ld be hosed wit h fre s h water aft er every ou ting and routin...

Страница 41: ...gard le ss of the amount of care lav ished on yo ur boat occasional scr atches I cr acks small gouges al ong with a badly cru shed section or even a large ho le are bound to appea r It is best to disc...

Страница 42: ...ol instead of bronze wool or sandpaper Small filaments of steel break off and cause rust spots that are very difficult to remove WINDOWS HATCHES The windows and hatches are of p lexiq las s I noted fo...

Страница 43: ...e season and for the sp ecifi c hau l out proced ures neces sary to wint eri ze th e engine Add a win terizin g agen t su ch a s StaBH to th e fue l tank HEAD As wit h the eng in e I th e s pecif ic...
