5. Familiarize yourself with the shape of the pool bottom and the water depth before
you slide. Use the correct slide configuration shown on the ladder when sliding.
6. Avoid sliding until all submerged obstacles, surface objects or other swimmers
are clear of the slider’s pathway.
7. Don’t slide at or through objects such as inner tubes, as they force the slider
deeper increasing the potential of a crippling injury.
8. Don’t drink alcoholic beverages and slide.
9. Don’t slide alone; use the buddy system.
10. The slide is a deep water slide and should be installed only according to the
instructions on pages 3 and 4 of this manual. Don’t allow children to use the
slide without adequate supervision. Users must be swimmers.
11. Take your time in preparing to slide. Move forward slowly and get yourself
positioned properly before starting the slide.
12. Handicapped persons should use caution and may require supervision.
13. Do not use the slide if any part of it becomes damaged, weakened, or broken.
Don’t take chances. Have the slide inspected and, if necessary, repaired by a
competent professional, who is familiar with acrylic water slides before using the
Swim Club II
water slide again. See
on page 5.
14. Individuals who exhibit frailty due to age should not use the slide.
15. People with history of back problems, heart conditions or fear of heights should
not use the slide.
16. People who weigh over 250 pounds should not use the slide.
17. Women who are pregnant should not use the slide.
18. Don’t use any other sliding technique, other than the following:
In sitting slides, face forward on the slide holding the legs and arms straight out with the
palms of your hands tilted upward. (see FIGURE M).
In order for a person to minimize the possibility of injury,
. (see FIGURE N below). It is necessary that the user know
that the chief danger of this type of slide is serious spinal injury. Injuries to the spine
may result in temporary or permanent paralysis or even death. Research studies have
shown that you cannot rely on the water to slow you down sufficiently to avoid injury.