One-key Takeoff
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The airplane comes with one-key take off function, which enable the plane to take off
automatically and hover in the air, until any operation on transmitter to exit. Follow below
steps to use this function.
1. Turn the X-PILOT switch to beginner / intermediate gyro
2. Arm the throttle (See “Throttle Unlock” section on page 7).
3. Keep the throttle at zero (down) position.
4. Hold your airplane to take-off attitude, press the one-key
takeoff button. The transmitter will start beepings.
5. Pull throttle stick up to max, the propeller will start spinning.
During the beepings, throw out the airplane with slightly up
angle. The airplane will take off automatically to a proper
altitude, and hover in a certain area.
Note: It is important to keep the throttle at down position before pressing the button at
the left shoulder of transmitter. Otherwise it will react as one-key aerobatic function.
Note: You must operate step 5 during the transmitter beepings. Otherwise it will exit the
one-key takeoff mode.
6. Any operation on the transmitter channel will exit the hover and get the airplane back to
your control.
One-key Takeoff
When the airplane flies too far away from signal range, or there is signal interference
nearby, the transmitter will have 4 beepings in a series to alarm. Return the airplane back
to safe range and area.
Signal Loss Alarm
When the airplane battery are low power, the transmitter will have 2 beepings in a series to
alarm. Return the airplane to replace the flight battery.
Flight Battery Low Power Alarm
When the transmitter batteries are low power, the transmitter LED will keep flashing, with
2 beepings in a series to alarm. Return the airplane, replace the transmitter batteries.
Transmitter Battery Low Power Alarm
X-PILOT System Calibration
1.Turn the throttle stick to min position.
2.Power on the transmitter and the receiver.
3.Do NOT unlock the throttle.
4.Keep the sticks as above picture for several seconds.
5.When you hear a “beep” sound, it means the X-PILOT
system is calibrated based on the horizontal level you are
keeping it.