put the wing in a bag or backpack as carefully as possible;
do not pack the wing with foreign objects and debris inside;
gently fold up the nasal stiffnesses of the paraglider, avoiding their crease, use the meth-
od of “lathering” or cover-contraceptin when laying;
do not leave the paraglider in the sun for a long time;
do not leave equipment in a closed car in the sun;
do not drag the wing on the surface of the earth;
avoid contact of the paraglider with hot objects and open fire;
avoid wetting the paraglider;
do not walk in the shoes on the dome and the slings of the paraglider;
do not start in a strong wind before the complete unleashing of possible nodes on the lines;
do not put heavy objects on the packed wing and do not sit on it;
in case of contamination - never wash the wing using chemicals, only wipe it with a slight-
ly damp soft sponge;
do not store the paraglider in a damp, not ventilated room;
after getting soaked in sea water, immediately rinse the wing outside and inside in plenty
of fresh water (for example, in a car wash), only then dry it in the shade in the wind.
The manufacturer strongly recommends checking the paraglider before each take-off -
dome, slings, installation of soft links, risers.
It is recommended to conduct a qualified check of the paraglider every 100 hours of flight
or a year.
In case of glider damage small holes in surfaces and ribs(which are not bigger than 2 cm
and not affect seam ) can be repaired by sticky ripstop.
Damaged lines can be replaced by repair kit from manufacturer. Strongly recommended
to do inflation test after lines replacement.
For more complex repair recommend to ask manufacturer.
General rules
Wing inspection and repair