Fig. 8
In this menu you can configure IP address, date / time, update the firmware.
Access to the Web interface of the device
IPC maintains control through a Web interface and through the software on the PC. WEB-
interface allows you to view the camera settings and implement IP-cameras. For network
connection IP-cameras, do the following: - make sure that the IP-camera is physically connected
to the network. - Set the IP-address, subnet mask and gateway of one network for PC and IP-
cameras. In IP-cameras standard address, a network mask, gateway - To test the connection from the command line, run the command ping (see. Fig. 9)
Fig. 9
Open Internet Explorer and enter the IP-address of the camera in the address bar of your browser.
For example, if the IP-cameras address, enter in the address
bar of Internet Explorer.
When you enter the WEB interface you will withdraw the following - Figure 10. Enter your
username and password. The default username and password admin.