Russound XZone70V Скачать руководство пользователя страница 23

Microphones and Paging


DC electric power transmitted through mic cables for mics that use 

active electronic circuitry


Best known as a convenient power source for condenser mics


Same balanced, shielded mic cable used as with dynamic mic


Some mics offer have internal battery powering or (external) 

phantom powering. 


Some microphones are specifically designed to switch over to the internal 

batteries if an external supply fails, which may be useful

Phantom Power is…

Содержание XZone70V

Страница 1: ...Russound XZone70V Let s Get Started...

Страница 2: ...70VAudio Basics Generally2typesofaudiofortheCItoconsider ResidentialAudio typically8 stereo CommercialAudio typically70V Today we lltalkabout70VCommercialAudio Russoundstyle Commercial Audio...

Страница 3: ...70VAudio Basics Residentialgear is Highcurrent 4 6or8 typically LowImpedanceorLowZ 70VCommercialgearis ConstantVoltage HighImpedanceorHighZ 100V Europe requiresconduit...

Страница 4: ...70VCommercial Applications Coffee Shops Restaurants Dance Studios Outdoor Venues Great Business Opportunity High Profit Revenue Stream XZone70V AW70V6 Light Commercial Audio Paging...

Страница 5: ...So whydo mostCI s ignore 70V Maybebecauseyou reusedtoseeingthis...

Страница 6: ...So whydo mostCI s ignore 70V andNOTusedtoseeingthis...

Страница 7: ...ways1connectiontoacommon ground And1toatapoption 7 5W 15W 30W 60W etc Thereare2greatreasonsnottoworryaboutthisatall One Nomatterhowmanywires you reonlyusing2 Two OurnewAW70V6commercialspeakerseliminat...

Страница 8: ...tant voltage is sent down a single speaker wire Transformers Tap Settings Step Up Transformers Step Down Transformers Speakers use step down transformers to budget that voltage down to a usable level...

Страница 9: ...Connecting70VSpeakers WiringismuchsimplerthanatraditionalLowZresidentialamplifier Allconnectionsaremadeinparallel Multiplespeakerscanberunonasinglespeakerwire Speaker Connections...

Страница 10: ...Longer Wire Runs using Thinner Wire...

Страница 11: ...Level Twisted Pair Overall Shielded Microphone Twisted Pair Overall Shielded 20 22 Gauge typical Speaker Stranded Pair recommended 12 14 16 18 Gauge typical and dependent on Load and distance Best Pra...

Страница 12: ...Plenum rated cables must be used in environmental spaces Cable will not burn as quickly as PVC Jacket Toxins slower to fill the air more time for evacuation Best Practices Plenum Rated Cable...

Страница 13: spaces require installation of multiple speakers to cover the space Again the solution is High Z or 70V Always best to use more speakers at lower tap settings than fewer at higher settings Avoids h...

Страница 14: ...CoveringtheSpace Openspace 10 12ft ceilings Speakerstappedat7 5watts Coverageapproximately200sq ft perspeaker AverageSPL approx 86db 1speakerevery10ft or approximately10ft apart General Rule of Thumb...

Страница 15: ...headroom EX 300W x 20 60W 240W nominal level SafetyZone allowingtransientaudiopeakstoexceedthenominal levelwithoutclippingtheamplifieranddamagingthesystem Clipping can destroy speakers causing shorts...

Страница 16: ...Stereo For stereo imagining to be effective you need to be in the sweet spot In public locations where is the sweet spot Mono will provide more even coverage Put music where the people are everywhere...

Страница 17: ...OutdoorZones 70V Mono Simple Creating Outdoor Zones Using 70V Commercial Gear...

Страница 18: XZone70V 300W amplifier You have 30 speakers tapped at 7 5 watts each 30 Speakers X 7 5 watts each 225 watts 75 watts of headroom future growth 20 recommended headroom 60W 70V systems are easy to c...

Страница 19: XZone70V 300W amplifier You have 16 speakers tapped at 15 watts each 16 Speakers X 15watts each 240 watt load 60 watts of reserve power headroom 20 recommended headroom 60W 70V systems are easy to...

Страница 20: ...gingsystems highgainw o distortion ruggedconstruction Condensermic producehigh qualityaudioandare thepopularchoiceinrecordingstudios phantom powerorbattery Micstypicallyneedtobeconnectedtoa preampbefo...

Страница 21: ...phones andPaging CarbonMicrophones FiberOpticMicrophone Piezoelectric RibbonMicrophones LaserMicrophone CardioidMicrophone CrystalMicrophones LiquidMicrophones Many More Types to Consider Do Your Home...

Страница 22: ...Microphones andPaging PhantomPowerSwitch Setthisswitchto On whenusingacondensermicrophoneorwhenthe microphoneinstructionsspecifyusingPhantomPowersupport Condenser Mics Phantom Power...

Страница 23: ...ry Bestknownasaconvenientpowersourceforcondensermics Samebalanced shieldedmiccableusedaswithdynamicmic Somemicsofferhaveinternalbatterypoweringor external phantompowering Somemicrophonesarespecificall...

Страница 24: ...s while still using a single amplifier Less expensive Since the voltage of the signal has been stepped up and the current is relatively low lighter less expensive cable can be used without loss System...

Страница 25: ...Russound 70V Products...

Страница 26: ...Next Generation of Streaming Audio XZone70VStreamingMixerAmplifier...

Страница 27: ...ProtectingProfits fortheCI AllproductsintheRCIprogramshippedlocked Onpowerup amessageindicatesanRCIisrequired WillnotoperateuntilanRCIconnectsandunlocksthesystem On Line Sales Killer...

Страница 28: ...XZone70VStreamingMixerAmplifier 300WattOutput 70v 100v 4 Operation USBPortforFlash HardDriveAudio Pre OutsforAdditionalAmplifiers...

Страница 29: ...XZone70VStreamingMixerAmplifier MicInput PhantomPowerSupport 3 5mmAudioSourceInput EasyBrowser basedConfiguration FlexibleMountingOptions...

Страница 30: ...llowingaccesstocontentfromthe Cloud LocalNetworkandAirPlay fromtabletsandphones Accessallyourfavoritemusicfromtheinternetorevenauser s personaliTunes etc usingDLNA USBportforplayingcontentfromaFlashDr...

Страница 31: ...owner waspracticallygiddywhenI describedwhatthesystemcoulddo Shelovedtheappcontrol and sincepayingmusiclicensingisachore shewasthrilledwiththe SiriusXMforBusinessservice Allinall thisthingisgreatforfo...

Страница 32: ...sedandLegal Ifyouplaymusicinyourbusinessithas tobelicensed Allofyourlicensingiscovered painlessandhasslefree FamilyFriendlyLyrics Ourbusinesslineupoffersfamily friendlyoptionswithnoexplicitcontentorsu...

Страница 33: ...toyour Russoundinstallationandearna 75 commission Qualifieddealerscandirectbillandearn recurringmonthlyrevenue Viewandtrackallcommissionsthrough ourfriendlyonlineportal Signupinminutesandbeginearning...

Страница 34: ...SiriusXM Music forBusiness 1 OpenMyRussoundAppandclickonthePowerButton 2 SelectSiriusXMLogo 3 Enteryourlogincredentials 4 EnjoySiriusXMMusicforBusiness Add SiriusXM to the MyRussound App...

Страница 35: ...ingMixerAmplifier Features Front Panel Front mounted Power Button Output Level Indicators with Clipping Display Convenient Easy Access Mic and System Volume Controls LED s for Operational Status and T...

Страница 36: ...ons Removable IEC Power Cord Worldwide Power Ready USB Port for Audio from Flash Drives or External Hard Drives Balanced Mic Input Gain Control and Phantom Power Switch 70 100V 4 Switch Activates 70Hz...

Страница 37: ...XZone70VStreamingMixerAmplifier RackMount Tabletop WallMount UnderCabinet Flexible Mounting Options...

Страница 38: ...totheXZone70VviaitsIPaddressor HostNameusingaphone tablet orlaptopandconfigureit WebConfigisdesignedtobeusedwithawebbrowser Usedtounlockcontrollers streamersandmixeramps WithWebConfig theXZone70Vcanbe...

Страница 39: ...WebConfig...

Страница 40: ...WebConfig Assigndevice zonenames Generalnetwork configuration DHCP staticIP AutoFirmwareUpdateSettings ZoneVolumeTrim Enable Disable SetAirplayPassword Web Config Features...

Страница 41: ...g Bydefault allavailableservicesareenabled Selectableasoptionswhenstreamingaudio Ifnotbeingused draganddropbetween Enabled and Disabled Tore orderaservice justdraganddropwithin Enabled listforeachzone...

Страница 42: ...ntrolofsourcesandsettings Metadataandalbumartdisplay New ImprovedFeatures New interface Favorites now available DemomodeiniOSandAndroid Freedownload MyRussound App user interface MyRussound AppforCont...

Страница 43: ...MyRussound App user interface MyRussound AppforControl...

Страница 44: ...highresQHDLCDdisplay PowerfulCortex A9Processor RunstheMyRussound Appina permanentlocationonthewall GigabitEthernet withPoE SupportsallMCA Series C Series controllersandXStreamsystems The In Wall App...

Страница 45: ...ionrotaryswitch 50WattsRMS Screw downremovableconnectors acceptupto12gawire Includeswhite ivory andlightalmond platesandknobs Fitsstandardsingle gangboxes Ultra reliableanddesignedforyearsof use 50W 7...

Страница 46: ...AW70V6 Surface MountSpeakers QuickandEasyInstallation Usesurfacemountwheneverpossible Savetimeandmakemoney EasytoAdjustTapSettings Durable weatherproofdesign Designed for...

Страница 47: ...AW70V6 Surface MountSpeakers 1 TitaniumDomeTweeter 6 5 injection moldedpolypropylenewooferwithrubbersurround PortedDesignforIncreasedBass RustproofAluminumGrille Key Features...

Страница 48: ...ountSpeakers AccessibleRear MountedTapSettingSwitch TapSettingsfor70V 7 5W 15W 30W 60W 6 forLowZ Brassbindingpostconnectorsforsecureinstallations Dual brasspostsfor3rd partymountsorsecurity seismicbol...

Страница 49: ...Russound 70VAudio Landscapespeakers perfectforanyoutdoorneeds FlushMountceilingspeakers a6 5 costeffectivesolution Andafewothersurprises Russoundstyle On the Roadmap for 2017...

Страница 50: ...itemusicservicesonboard Airplay easilystreamANYmusicserviceonyourdevice USBport playAllyourfavoritesyou vebeenrippingforyears Appdriven Easycontrolfromyoursmartphoneortablet 1Urackspace spacesaving Ou...

Страница 51: ...Constantly Innovating Always Distributed Thank you for your time...
