The iBridge Bay allows you to access
media through Apple Front Row software in
zones equipped with a video display.
With the video display powered on, aim the
SRC2 at the keypad or touchscreen, press
“R” and then the power button located on
the upper right hand corner of the SRC2 (if
the keypad/touchscreen is off).
Select the iBridge Bay by choosing its cor-
responding source number button located
on the lower half of the SRC2.
To rotate around Front Row media types
(music, videos, DVD, photos) use the left
and right arrow buttons.
To select, press the 'OK' button when the
desired media type is located in the fore-
ground of the video display.
Use the up and down arrow buttons to nav-
igate menus within a media type.
To select from a menu, press the 'OK' but-
ton. Use the 'Menu' button to navigate
Remote navigation through Front Row from a video equipped zone using
a Russound SRC2 remote control